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Nova Scotia Archives

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Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.

Account, John Ritchie with John Easson

Transcript: Mr. John Ritchie Dr. To four years Rent of the} Store house _________ } 20.-.- To 1 years Re

Account, John Ritchie with John & David Easson

Transcript: 1775 Mr. John Ritchie Dr. To John D; Eassons and David E.

Account, John Easson with John Ritchie

Transcript: Mr. John Easson To John Ritchie Dr. 1778 Apl. 1st To Cash 10-.- John Whi

Account, John Easson with John Ritchie

Transcript: Mr. John Eason To John Ritchie Dr. 1778 April 12 To ¼Quintle fish -"5"- " 3½

Account, John Easson with Alexander Robertson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/42 June Account Mr. John Easson June 11 1765 To Alexr. Robertson Dr

Account, John Easson with John Robertson

Transcript: Mr Eason 1784 Dr Mr. John Robertson 15 Novr 2½yd Coating 5

Account, John Easson with John Robertson

Transcript: Memoradun per Mr. Easson 2¼ yd Cloath 7/6 2 yd Shalloon 2/8 18 Buttons __ 1/10½ Twist & Thr

Account, John Easson with John Robertson

Transcript: 1788 Messr John & David Easson To John Robertson Dr. 24 October To Ballce on Settlement

Account, John and David Easson with John Robertson

Transcript: Mr John Easson To John Robertson Dr 1789 22 Feby ½lb Leaf Tobac_ 0..0..6 26 1 Bottle Newton 0.

Receipt, Henry Savage, Boston

Transcript: Boston August the 14 1792 Received of Mr John Esone the some of eightteen pound for Henry Bass [old

Letter, John Easson to David Seabury

Transcript: Annapolis Royall Aug. 5th 1766 M David Sebury Sir you will please to Lett Mr. Ruyer have out o

Account, Frederick Sinclair with John Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royall Septr 5th 1782 Mr. Fredreck Sincler to John Easson -- Dr -- To 421 feett of Cle

Account, George and John Starret with John Easson

Transcript: George and John Starret to John Easson Dr. Febr. 15 1764 To 1 Ivery Comb ______ £ 0"1"8 To

Receipt, J. Hamilton, Captain 40th Regiment, from Dr. Vanhulst

Transcript: Received from Doct.r Vanhulst on Accot. of Mr. Thos. Williams of Annapolis Royal the Sum of Six poun

Account, John Easson with Peter and Gilbert Totten

Transcript: Mr. John Easson To Peter & Gilbert Totten Dr 1787 August 22nd To 8lb 20d Nails

Account, Mrs. Ann Walker with John Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/50.1 Annapolis Royall August 1778 Mrs Walkers Account with John Easson

Receipt, Rebecca Walker, Boston

Transcript: Boston March ye 6.- 1760 Rec.d of Mr John Easson by the hands of Alex.r Mayors the Sume of thirt

Receipt, Rebecca Walker, Boston

Transcript: Boston Novbr 10 - 1760 Rec.d of Mr. John Easson by the hands of Alex.r Mayors one Coper pan and tw

Receipt, Nathaniel Walker, Boston

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/52 Boston Sept y/e (the) 28 / 1761 then Receaved of John Easson By the hands o

Account, John Easson with Joseph Webb, Boston

Transcript: Mr John Easson to Joseph Webb Dr_ _____________ 1773 Augt 25 To Sundrys pr note __ 5..- Decr

Account, John Easson with Joseph Webb, Boston

Transcript: Mr. John Easson to Joseph Webb Dr 1773 Aug 25 To sundrys pr Note £ 5.-.- Dec 13 To 4 Hatchets 1

Receipt, Henry Wentworth, Boston

Transcript: Boston June 25 1704.. Received of Mr John Eason By the Hands of Colls. Jonathan Hoar a Sett of Bills

Promissory note, Derrick Willcoke, Annapolis Royal, in favour of John Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royal Octr.19th 1760 I promise to pay to Mr. John Easson or his Order in March Next on[

Draft, Derrick Willcok on Capt. Ellias Wayer, Granville, in favour of John Easson

Transcript: Annapolis Royall 14th June 1769 Pay to John Easson or his order the sum of Seven shillings

Account, George Wooster with John Easson

Transcript: Mr. Woster Acctt Jan.y 22nd 1768 To making the hay 10 tuns cutting and mak’g £ 2”0”0 To carting th

Account, George Wooster with John Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/56.1 Annapolis Royall. March 24th 1777 Mr. George Wooster to John

Receipt, Timothy Jarvis, Boston

Transcript: Boston Octr 12 1771 Red. of E. Winten Calef one barl. of shous which I promis to deliver to Mr. Dan

Pass for David Easson

Transcript: Let the bearer Mr. David Easson pass Fort Sackville with dispatches to General Massey- Fort Edward

Miscellaneous Account, David Easson

Transcript: David Easson 51 days Duty £ 3-8.0 51 Days Rations _____

Letter, John Althause, Fisherie Point, to Mr. Easson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/60 Fisherie Point 15th Oct 1786 Dear Sir I received your kind letter the 22D Se

Surveyor's certificate, Phillip Berteux

Transcript: [Annap?] [Surveyor?] Claim May the 7 -1771 -- Survay.d [sic[ and marked by Phillip Bartaux Survayer

Account, David Easson with Alexander Brymer, Halifax

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/62 Halifax 10: April 1777 __ Mr David Easson, Bought of Alexr Brymer: 3 Barrels

Receipt, David Easson to Capt. John Collier

Transcript: Annapolis Royal 26 June 1770. __ Receiv'd of Captn John Collier one [Hhds?] of Tobacco & Two [one

Account, Mr. Cummins with David Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/64 Annapolys - Septr thee 3 1783 Mr Cummins to David Easson -- Dr Decr 18th To

Letter, George Davies, Annapolis Royal, to David Easson

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/65 Annapolis Royal June 11th: 1788 Sir Please to let the barer have some Whea

Account, David Easson with Edward Dalzell

Transcript: St Johns May 10th 85 Dr David Easton to Edw.d Dalzall

Account, Joseph Dodge with David Easson

Transcript: Oct.r ye[the] 12 1773 Capt Jos.h Dodg To David Easson Due To 9 pds ¾ of White Paint _@1/

Receipt, Solomon Farnsworth, Annapolis Royal

Transcript: Rec:d Annapolis Royal June 8th 1771 of Mr. David Easson the Sum of Seventeen shillings & 2½ in full

Account, David Easson with John Fillis

Transcript: Mr. David Eason 1784 To John Fillis ----- Dr. Mar 31st To

Account, David Easson with David Fletcher

Transcript: October 1769 Mr David Easson to David Fletcher Dr to three Bulloks ____ £ 14.10.0 to 4 [illegib

Letter, Michael Francklin to David Easson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/71 Sir Is. Little comes up to Annapolis with some Chains for the masting busin

Account, Michael Francklin with David Easson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/71.1 Annapolys [sic] Royall [sic] Oct.r 8= 1783 Mr Michal Francklin to David Ea

Account, Michael Groves with David Easson

Transcript: April 8th 1785 David Easson to Mikell [sic] Grovs [sic] Dr To work Don [sic] by him ____

Account, David Easson with Andrew Hamilton

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/73 David Eason Dr, to And.w Hamilton 28th March 1782 To 3½y.ds of Calicoe at 8s

Account, David Easson with Christopher Herow

Transcript: David Easton to C :H -- Dr £ s 1783 To 1 wach Compas _

Account, David Easson with Ichabod Jones, Boston

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/76 Dr Boston Noumbr 8th-1786 David Estein of Anapoliss Royall Dr. to

Receipt, John Hay Winslow [?], Annapolis Royal

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/77 At Annapolys Royall April 24th - 1773 this Day settled and part receits for all

Receipt, Amasa Lewis

Transcript: Receved on Bord the Shipe Suckesess Five Berrels Appls & Potatos which I promas to Deliver to Said m

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banner image: - 200601163   Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair


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