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Nova Scotia Archives

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Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.

Account, Alexander Easson with Robert Spurr

Transcript: Mr. Elexendrew Eason 1820 To Robert Spur Dr May 4 To uper L

Account, Alexander Easson with Robert Spurr

Transcript: Mr Elexandour Eason To Robert Spur Dr 1820 May 4 To uper leather for 3 pair small shoes 0..5..0

Account, Alexander Easson with Robert Spurr

Transcript: Mr Elexandour Eason To Robert Spur 1821 Janry 4 To 1 Calf skin _ 0.10.0 " Leather for 1 pair

Account, Alexander Easson with Robert Spurr

Transcript: Mr. Elexandour Eason To Robert Spur Dr 1823 Feby 16 To 2 Carreboo ski

Account, Alexander Easson with Robert Spurr

Transcript: Mr Alexandrew Eeason 1824 To Robert Spur Dr [3 Column Table] [|Date|Item|Price|] |May 12|T

Account, Alexander Easson with Thomas R. Spurr

Transcript: 1835 Alex.r Eason to Thomas R Spurr Dr to Sundreis bot for Mrs. Mot. Aug 17th - ½ lb Tea

Receipt, Alexander Burket, Overseer of the Poor

Transcript: Annapolis June 24th 1809 Received of Mr Alexander Easton (Collector of Poor Rates) the sum of Fourt

Receipt, Alexander Burket, Overseer of the Poor

Transcript: Received Annapolis October 6th 1809 Of Mr Alexander Easton Collector of Poor Rates for the Town of A

Receipt, Lawrence Sneden, Overseer of the Poor

Transcript: Received the 28th Decbr. 1822. From Mr Alexander Eason the sum of Fourteen pounds eight shillings on

Receipt, William Bertaux, Overseer of the Poor

Transcript: Annapolis March 20 1823 recvd of Mr Alex Easson Colector of poor Rates for the township of Annapoli

Note, Alfred Whitman, Overseer of the Poor

Transcript: Annapolis 26th March 1835 due Hugh Lynch from the Town of Annapolis three pounds five shillings bei

Note, Alexander Easson, Overseer of the Poor, to Alfred Whitman

Transcript: Mr Whitman Please to let the bearer have one pound fifteen and seven pence and charge it to Alex Eas

Miscellaneous note with amounts for county and poor rates

Transcript: County 9-1½ Poor 10-10 ______ 19.11½ County 4-11 Poor

Receipt, William Fairn, County Collector

Transcript: Recvd from Alexr Easson 10/10 for poor Rates for half year ending first of April 1860 [signed] Will

Receipt, Thomas Ritchie, County Treasurer

Transcript: _______ £ 6-0-0 Annapolis 27th Decr. 1822 _______ Rec'd. of Mr. Alexander Easson One of the Co

Receipt, Thomas Ritchie, County Treasurer

Transcript: Annapolis 20th March 1823 Rec'd. of Mr. Alexr. Easson Collector of C.y Rates for the Township of An

Receipt, George Robinson, County Treasurer

Transcript: Recd. from Alex Eason on acct of Rates the Thirty Three pound, Two Shillings and Eleven pence [sign

Note, Overseers of the Poor to A. Whitman

Transcript: Flour Supplyd to John Mott by order of the overseers of the poor for 1835 May 9 1 Barrel Rye Flour

Receipt, George Robinson, County Treasurer

Transcript: Annapolis 30th Apr 1838 Recd from Mr Alexr. Easson Col.r of County Rates the Sum of Seven Shillings

Account, Alexander Easson with William Thomas

Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1836 To Wm. Thomas Dr. July 20 T

Account, Alexander Easson with S.D. Tobias

Transcript: Mr. Alexr Easson 1833 To S.D. Tobias Dr. June 12- To rosin 1/- Sept 26t

Account, Alexander Easson with S.D. Tobias

Transcript: Mr Alexr Easson To S. D. Tobias ___________________________ Dr 1834 Jany 1 To Amt of a/c rendd __

Account, Alexander Easson with S.D. Tobias

Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1835 To S.D. Tobias Dr. Jany 1st To Bal due as per acct Ren. £

Account, Alexander Easson with S.D. Tobias

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/262.3 Mr. Alx.r Esson To S.D. Tobias Dr 1835 June 21 To ½Gall Molasses

Account, Alexander Easson with S.D. Tobias

Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson To S.D. Tobias Dr To Freight of 2000 Staves £ 1..5..- freight of Bellows

Account, Alexander Easson with S.D. Tobias

Transcript: Mr. Alex.r Easson To T.C. Tobias Dr. 1840 To one half of the balance of S.D. Tobias & Co

Note, S.D. Tobias to Alexander Easson

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/262.6 Mr Alexander Easson Sir please let the Bearer Douglas have two Bushels o

Account, William Thomas with Alexander Easson

Transcript: William Tomas To Alex Easson 1836 February 20 to 1 cord of wood ..12.. April 11 to 1 dozen eg

Account, Alexander Easson with Thomas Walker

Transcript: Mr Alexander Easson To Thomas Walker Dr. 1807 Jany 23 To 1 pint Rum ______________

Account, Alexander Easson with Thomas Walker

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/264.1 Mr. Alexander Easson 1808 To Thomas Walker Dr. Jany

Account, Alexander Easson with Thomas Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/264.2 Mr. Alexander Eason 1809 To Thomas Walker Dr. Jany 2 To Balanc

Account, Alexander Easson with Thomas Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/264.3 Mr Alex.r Eason 1810 To Thomas Walker Dr. Apl. 14 To 1 B.k si

Account, Alexander Easson with the Executors of Thomas Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/264.4 Mr. Alexander Eason To the Executors of Th.s Walker Dr. 1811 Oct

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker and with the Executors of T. Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265 Mr Alexander Eason To Phebe Walker Dr 1811 May 19th For 1 lb Shot ____

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.1 Mr Alexander Eason 1812 To Phebe Walker Dr Jany 20 To 1 qt rum _______

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.2 Mrs. Zeruviah Eason To P Walker Dr 1813 June 22

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.3 Mrs Zeruviah Eason To Phebe Walker Dr. ============ 1814 Jany

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.4 Mr. Alexander Eason To Phebe Walker Dr. 1815 June 12 To. 1 qt. R

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.5 Mr. Alex.r Easson To Phebe Walker Dr 1819 Jany 1 To Balance on acct

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.6 Mr. Alexander Eason 1820 To P. Walker Dr Jan.

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.7 Mr Alexander Easson To Phebe Walker Dr [left half side of page in columns

Account, Alexander Easson with Phebe Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/265.8 Mr. Alexander Eason To Phebe Walker Dr 182

Account, Millage Walker with Alexander Easson

Transcript: 1823 Millage Walker, To Alexander Easson, dr. 11 to 1 cheese 18 at 6 p

Account, Alexander Easson with John Watts, Sexton, Annapolis

Transcript: Mr. Alex.r Easson to John Watts Saxton Dr. For the Buriel of Mrs .fisher on 27th Day of feb

Account, Alexander Easson with W.H. Wheaton

Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson 1828 To W H Wheaton - Dr. July 31st.. To Butcher Knife 1/

Note, W.H. Wheaton to Alexander Easson

Transcript: Mr. Alexander Easson Sir Please To Let Mrs. Robinson have the ReMaining Six Bushel of Potatoes and o

Account, Alexander Easson with Alfred Whitman

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/269 Mr Alex.r Easson To Alfred Whitman Dr 1836 May 7 To 1 Brl Rye Flour ___ £

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banner image: - 200601163   Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair


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