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Nova Scotia Archives

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Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.

Receipt, John Burket

Transcript: Recd Annapolis Sept 30 - 1789 of Mr Easton the Sum of thirteen Shilling and Eight pence being in fu

Receipt, Ichabod Corbitt

Transcript: Received this 23rd day of March 1804 the sum of twenty shillings of the Widow Eason, in full, fo

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]

Transcript: Mrs. Elizabeth Easson To Joseph Cossins Dr £ S D Jan.y 26th. 1789 To

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]

Transcript: Mrs. Elizabeth Easson To Joseph Cossins Dr. £ | S | D Jan.y 25t

Receipt, Henrietta Cooper

Transcript: Received of Mrs. Easson the sum of one pound one shilling and two pence due from the estate of the

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Ebenezer Cutler

Transcript: Annapolis 10th July 1789 Mrs Easton To Eb Cutler Dr To 2yds Gauze __

Account, Andrew Ritchie with Ebenezer Cutler

Transcript: Mr. A. Ritchie Bo.t of E Cutler & son for JEaston funaril[funeral] 2 Blk

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Ebenezer Cutler

Transcript: 1791 Mrs. Easson Jany 13th To Eben.r Cutler Dr.

Receipt, Samuel Cuppels

Transcript: Recd. from Mrs Easson the Sum of three pounds Eighteen Shillings & four pence in Cheese being th

Receipt, James DeLancey

Transcript: Annapolis Oct. 2nd 1798 Recd. of Mr. David Easson the sum of four pounds ten shillings Interest on a

Receipt, Thomas Ritchie

Transcript: Recd. of Mrs Easson the sum of nine pounds two years Interest on bond to the Estate of the late J

Account, Mrs. Easson with D. MacIntyre, Annapolis

Transcript: Mrs Easson Annapolis To D. MacIntyre

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Benjamin Fairn

Transcript: Jany May the 19th 1810 Elizabeth Eason And David Debts to Benjamin Fairn £..S..d To 30

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Ambrose Haight

Transcript: Sept 4 1789 Mrs Eason Bot of Ambrose Haight 3½yd black gause 2/0 ______ 7.0 1 hankirchif[handk

Receipt, Ambrose Haight

Transcript: Anapolis 30 May 1791 Recd of Mrs Elisabeth Eason one pound two shilling & 2d in full of all acoun

Account, Frederick and Sarah Hardwick with Elizabeth Easson

Transcript: Frederick Hardwick & Sarah his Wife to Eliz.a Easson Dr For

Account, Elizabeth Easson with David LeCain

Transcript: Mrs Easson To David LeCain Dr 1810 Dec.r 10th To Cash ___ 30/

Receipt, William LeCain

Transcript: Annapolis Royal March 26 1792 Received of Mrs Eason the sum of one Pound three Shillings and s

Receipt, Robert Dickson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/121 Rec.d annapolis 25th oct. 1791 of Mr and Mrs. Ritchie the Sum of one pound

Receipt, William Robertson

Transcript: Rec.d Annapolis 8th Nov. 1790 of Mr Andrew Ritchie thirteen shillgs for 2 Galls Wine for the funer

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Andrew Ritchie

Transcript: Mrs Elisabeth Easson To Andrew Ritchie Dr To fraght [freight] paid to St John___________ -

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Andrew Ritchie and Thomas Ritchie

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/122.2 Mrs. Elizabeth Eason 1803 To And.w Ritchie Dece.d & Son Dr. May

Account, Matthew Ritchie and wife with Mrs. E. Easson

Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/122.3 Matt. Ritchie & Wife To Mrs. E. Easson To boarding Mrs. Ritch

Account, Widow Easson with Peter De [---]

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/123 Widow Easton Dr 1802 To Peter De [St Grand?] 15 June To 1.£ brimsto

Account, Elizabeth Easson with William H. Roach

Transcript: Mrs Elizabeth Eason 1810 To Wm H. Roach Dr Octr To

Letter, John Robertson, Annapolis Royal, to Elizabeth Easson

Transcript: please Deliver the Bearer hereof one Bushel potatoes and place the Same to acct with your Humble S

Letter, William Robertson to Elizabeth Easson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/126 Dear Madam I hope yr. discounting the Sum of Forty Seven Shillings with the

Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/126.1 Mrs Eassen To William Robertson Dr 1796 To Balance due last year _______

Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson

Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 B/126.2 Mrs Easson 1798 To William Robertson Dr. Jan 27

Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/126.3 Mrs Eassen [Easson] 1800 To Will.m Robertson Dr. Jan

Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/126.4 Mrs Elizabeth Eason [Easson] Bought of William Robertson (by Son Thomas)

Letter, Francis Ryerson, Clements, to Mrs. Easson

Transcript: Clamans June 23 1791 Madam, I will be mouch [sic] oblege [obliged] to you if you will satale [

Account, Elizabeth Easson with David Seabury

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/128 Mrs Eason [Easson] To David Seabury

Account, Elizabeth with Henry Shaw

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/129 Elisabeth Eason [Easson] To Henry Shaw

Receipt, Stephen Sneden

Transcript: Recevd of Savey Fisher the Sum of thirteen Shillings for Jacob Tobias 11th March 1801 Stephen Sn

Account, Miss Fisher with the Estate of the late S. Sneden

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/130.1 Miss Fisher 1811 To the Estate of the late S. Sneden Dr. Jan.y

Account, Widow Elizabeth Easson with Stephen Sneden

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/130.2 Widow Elizabeth Easson To Stephen Sneden

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Jonathan A. Sneden

Transcript: Mrs. Eason [Easson] Bot of Jno. A Sneden 26yds Factory @8d 17..4

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Samuel Street

Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/132 Annapolis Nov.r 14th 1797 Mrs Eason {sic] To

Receipt, Robert Dickson

Transcript: Recd. annapolis 31th Dec.r 1795 of Mrs Eason The Sum of Two pounds in full for her tax on her pew N

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Peter and G. Totten

Transcript: Mrs. Eason 1789 B.t [bought] of Peter & G Totten To 1pd Tea _2/9_ £ ..2..9

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Peter and G. Totten

Transcript: Mrs Eason 1789 B.t [bought] of Peter & G Totten Aug.t 31.t To 7yds blk Crape[crepe] 2/6 £

Receipt, Elizabeth Easson

Transcript: MGI Vol. 3478 B/135 Annapolis 9th July 1792 Received of Stephen Tibiddo the sum of fifteen shillin

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Thomas Walker

Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/136 Widow Easson 1805 To Tho.s Walker Dr. Jany 1 To Balance per Acco.t Re

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Estate of P. Walker

Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B1136.1 Mrs. Easson 1810 To the Estate of P. Walker Dr. Jany 1 For Ba

Account, Elizabeth Easson with Phebe Walker, Annapolis

Transcript: Mrs Elizabeth Eason To Phebe Walker Dr 1812 May 15th For 4 bu Salt__ at 3/6 ..14.. June 5th

Receipt, Thomas Barclay and Thomas Ritchie

Transcript: Annapolis 2d Oct.r.1791 Rec.d of Mrs. Easson the sum of four pounds Currency which sum is to be pai

Receipt, Frederick Williams

Transcript: Recd. of Elizabeth Eason[sic] by the hands of Col. Barclay twenty pounds in part payment of principa

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banner image: - 200601163   Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair


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