Below are documents available to transcribe. Once you start you'll be able to continue to the next page for each document. Documents that have not been started are marked.
Transcript: Recd Annapolis Sept 30 - 1789 of Mr Easton the Sum of thirteen Shilling and Eight pence being in fu
Transcript: Received this 23rd day of March 1804 the sum of twenty shillings of the Widow Eason, in full, fo
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]
Transcript: Mrs. Elizabeth Easson To Joseph Cossins Dr £ S D Jan.y 26th. 1789 To
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Joseph Cossins [Cousins]
Transcript: Mrs. Elizabeth Easson To Joseph Cossins Dr. £ | S | D Jan.y 25t
Transcript: Received of Mrs. Easson the sum of one pound one shilling and two pence due from the estate of the
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Ebenezer Cutler
Transcript: Annapolis 10th July 1789 Mrs Easton To Eb Cutler Dr To 2yds Gauze __
Account, Andrew Ritchie with Ebenezer Cutler
Transcript: Mr. A. Ritchie Bo.t of E Cutler & son for JEaston funaril[funeral] 2 Blk
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Ebenezer Cutler
Transcript: 1791 Mrs. Easson Jany 13th To Eben.r Cutler Dr.
Transcript: Recd. from Mrs Easson the Sum of three pounds Eighteen Shillings & four pence in Cheese being th
Transcript: Annapolis Oct. 2nd 1798 Recd. of Mr. David Easson the sum of four pounds ten shillings Interest on a
Transcript: Recd. of Mrs Easson the sum of nine pounds two years Interest on bond to the Estate of the late J
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Benjamin Fairn
Transcript: Jany May the 19th 1810 Elizabeth Eason And David Debts to Benjamin Fairn £..S..d To 30
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Ambrose Haight
Transcript: Sept 4 1789 Mrs Eason Bot of Ambrose Haight 3½yd black gause 2/0 ______ 7.0 1 hankirchif[handk
Transcript: Anapolis 30 May 1791 Recd of Mrs Elisabeth Eason one pound two shilling & 2d in full of all acoun
Account, Frederick and Sarah Hardwick with Elizabeth Easson
Transcript: Frederick Hardwick & Sarah his Wife to Eliz.a Easson Dr For
Account, Elizabeth Easson with David LeCain
Transcript: Mrs Easson To David LeCain Dr 1810 Dec.r 10th To Cash ___ 30/
Transcript: Annapolis Royal March 26 1792 Received of Mrs Eason the sum of one Pound three Shillings and s
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/121 Rec.d annapolis 25th oct. 1791 of Mr and Mrs. Ritchie the Sum of one pound
Transcript: Rec.d Annapolis 8th Nov. 1790 of Mr Andrew Ritchie thirteen shillgs for 2 Galls Wine for the funer
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Andrew Ritchie
Transcript: Mrs Elisabeth Easson To Andrew Ritchie Dr To fraght [freight] paid to St John___________ -
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Andrew Ritchie and Thomas Ritchie
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/122.2 Mrs. Elizabeth Eason 1803 To And.w Ritchie Dece.d & Son Dr. May
Account, Matthew Ritchie and wife with Mrs. E. Easson
Transcript: MGI vol.3478 B/122.3 Matt. Ritchie & Wife To Mrs. E. Easson To boarding Mrs. Ritch
Account, Widow Easson with Peter De [---]
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/123 Widow Easton Dr 1802 To Peter De [St Grand?] 15 June To 1.£ brimsto
Account, Elizabeth Easson with William H. Roach
Transcript: Mrs Elizabeth Eason 1810 To Wm H. Roach Dr Octr To
Letter, John Robertson, Annapolis Royal, to Elizabeth Easson
Transcript: please Deliver the Bearer hereof one Bushel potatoes and place the Same to acct with your Humble S
Letter, William Robertson to Elizabeth Easson
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/126 Dear Madam I hope yr. discounting the Sum of Forty Seven Shillings with the
Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B/126.1 Mrs Eassen To William Robertson Dr 1796 To Balance due last year _______
Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson
Transcript: MG1 vol.3478 B/126.2 Mrs Easson 1798 To William Robertson Dr. Jan 27
Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/126.3 Mrs Eassen [Easson] 1800 To Will.m Robertson Dr. Jan
Account, Elizabeth Easson with William Robertson
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/126.4 Mrs Elizabeth Eason [Easson] Bought of William Robertson (by Son Thomas)
Letter, Francis Ryerson, Clements, to Mrs. Easson
Transcript: Clamans June 23 1791 Madam, I will be mouch [sic] oblege [obliged] to you if you will satale [
Account, Elizabeth Easson with David Seabury
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/128 Mrs Eason [Easson] To David Seabury
Account, Elizabeth with Henry Shaw
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/129 Elisabeth Eason [Easson] To Henry Shaw
Transcript: Recevd of Savey Fisher the Sum of thirteen Shillings for Jacob Tobias 11th March 1801 Stephen Sn
Account, Miss Fisher with the Estate of the late S. Sneden
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/130.1 Miss Fisher 1811 To the Estate of the late S. Sneden Dr. Jan.y
Account, Widow Elizabeth Easson with Stephen Sneden
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/130.2 Widow Elizabeth Easson To Stephen Sneden
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Jonathan A. Sneden
Transcript: Mrs. Eason [Easson] Bot of Jno. A Sneden 26yds Factory @8d 17..4
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Samuel Street
Transcript: MGI vol. 3478 B/132 Annapolis Nov.r 14th 1797 Mrs Eason {sic] To
Transcript: Recd. annapolis 31th Dec.r 1795 of Mrs Eason The Sum of Two pounds in full for her tax on her pew N
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Peter and G. Totten
Transcript: Mrs. Eason 1789 B.t [bought] of Peter & G Totten To 1pd Tea _2/9_ £ ..2..9
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Peter and G. Totten
Transcript: Mrs Eason 1789 B.t [bought] of Peter & G Totten Aug.t 31.t To 7yds blk Crape[crepe] 2/6 £
Transcript: MGI Vol. 3478 B/135 Annapolis 9th July 1792 Received of Stephen Tibiddo the sum of fifteen shillin
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Thomas Walker
Transcript: MG 1 vol. 3478 B/136 Widow Easson 1805 To Tho.s Walker Dr. Jany 1 To Balance per Acco.t Re
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Estate of P. Walker
Transcript: MG1 vol. 3478 B1136.1 Mrs. Easson 1810 To the Estate of P. Walker Dr. Jany 1 For Ba
Account, Elizabeth Easson with Phebe Walker, Annapolis
Transcript: Mrs Elizabeth Eason To Phebe Walker Dr 1812 May 15th For 4 bu Salt__ at 3/6 ..14.. June 5th
Receipt, Thomas Barclay and Thomas Ritchie
Transcript: Annapolis 2d Oct.r.1791 Rec.d of Mrs. Easson the sum of four pounds Currency which sum is to be pai
Transcript: Recd. of Elizabeth Eason[sic] by the hands of Col. Barclay twenty pounds in part payment of principa
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banner image: - 200601163 Letter, John Easson to Peter Alair
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