Nova Scotia Archives


Results 1 to 45 of 45 from your search: Royal Gazette

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africanns : Runaway slave advertisement

Runaway slave advertisement

africanns : 200402062

african-heritage : Newspaper article Slave Emancipation

Newspaper article Slave Emancipation

african-heritage : 202102165

privateers : Declaration of War

Declaration of War

privateers : 200501447

privateers : News of war in the Caribbean

News of war in the Caribbean

privateers : 200501385

privateers : Distribution of prize money

Distribution of prize money

privateers : 200501383

privateers : Proclamation by Sir John Wentworth

Proclamation by Sir John Wentworth

privateers : 200501391

privateers : News of Admiral Nelsons victory

News of Admiral Nelsons victory

privateers : 200501393

privateers : Proclamation. For a general Fast

Proclamation. For a general Fast

privateers : 200501395

privateers : Sales at Auction

Sales at Auction

privateers : 200501397

privateers : American cruisers in Bay of Fundy

American cruisers in Bay of Fundy

privateers : 200501429

privateers : Letters of Marque now available

Letters of Marque now available

privateers : 200501432

privateers : Liverpool Packet</i> claims many prizes

Liverpool Packet claims many prizes

privateers : 200501433

privateers : Diverse goods from prize vessels

Diverse goods from prize vessels

privateers : 200501435

privateers : Local schooner captures vessel

Local schooner captures vessel

privateers : 200501437

privateers : Liverpool Packet</i> recaptured

Liverpool Packet recaptured

privateers : 200501440

privateers : Prize money to be distributed

Prize money to be distributed

privateers : 200501441

privateers : Napoleon defeated : Europe freed

Napoleon defeated : Europe freed

privateers : 200501442

privateers : Convoy system protects merchant trade

Convoy system protects merchant trade

privateers : 200501443

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