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Bill of sale for slave Abram, recorded at the Colchester County Registry of Deeds
africanns : 200402020
Bill of sale for slave Sambo, recorded at the Pictou County Registry of Deeds
africanns : 200402022
Edwin Howard Borden (1869-1953)
africanns : 200402261
Deed from James Wilson to Thomas Williams for land on Cobequid Road. Not recorded
african-heritage : 201112256
Bill of sale for enslaved man Abram, recorded at the Colchester County Registry of Deeds
african-heritage : 202102111
No. 2 Construction Battalion CEF A Coy.-Capt K.A. Morrison - C.O. - 1916
2construction : 201501327
Memorial of John Harris of Truro.
assembly : 200808425
Petition of residents of Truro concerning the Meeting House.
assembly : 200834001
Petition from Truro concerning loss of local trade due to American imports.
assembly : 200834473
Petition of the inhabitants of Truro concerning disorderly conduct during elections.
assembly : 200835469
Order To-day Your Calendars for 1923
bluenose : 200400077
builtheritage : 200803029
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