Nova Scotia Archives


Results 49 to 96 of 317 from your search: truro

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builtheritage : Truro, NS, from East

Truro, NS, from East

builtheritage : 200803030

builtheritage : Truro, Nova Scotia, 1889

Truro, Nova Scotia, 1889

builtheritage : 200804529

builtheritage : Showing New and Old Roads (Jeddore)

Showing New and Old Roads (Jeddore)

builtheritage : 200804526

connors : Truro Bearcats

Truro Bearcats

connors : 200700282

connors : Truro Bearcats

Truro Bearcats

connors : 200700283

connors : Hockey


connors : 200700025

connors : James McLeod

James McLeod

connors : 200700445

connors : Sulky Racing, Truro, NS

Sulky Racing, Truro, NS

connors : 200700476

dennis : Truro, Victoria Park

Truro, Victoria Park

dennis : 200800361

dennis : Truro Park

Truro Park

dennis : 200800362

dennis : Truro Park

Truro Park

dennis : 200800363

dennis : Truro Cemetery

Truro Cemetery

dennis : 200800536

dennis : Holy Well, Victoria Park, Truro

Holy Well, Victoria Park, Truro

dennis : 200800763

dennis : Waddell Falls, Truro Park

Waddell Falls, Truro Park

dennis : 200802525

dennis : Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

dennis : 200802526

dennis : Waddell Falls, Truro Park

Waddell Falls, Truro Park

dennis : 200802527

dennis : Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

dennis : 200802528

dennis : Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

dennis : 200802529

dennis : Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

Joe Howe Falls, Truro Park

dennis : 200802530

eastcoastport : YWCA Barrington Street

YWCA Barrington Street

eastcoastport : 200903448

eastcoastport : Victoria Park, Truro

Victoria Park, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902346

eastcoastport : Victoria Park, Truro

Victoria Park, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902347

eastcoastport : Victoria Park, Truro

Victoria Park, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902348

eastcoastport : Stanfields Woolens plant, Truro

Stanfields Woolens plant, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902349

eastcoastport : Stanfields Woolens plant, Truro

Stanfields Woolens plant, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902350

eastcoastport : Federal building, Truro

Federal building, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902351

eastcoastport : Federal building, Truro

Federal building, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902352

eastcoastport : Truro


eastcoastport : 200902354

eastcoastport : Agricultural College, Truro

Agricultural College, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902356

eastcoastport : Agricultural College, Truro

Agricultural College, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902357

eastcoastport : Agricultural College, Truro

Agricultural College, Truro

eastcoastport : 200902358

highways : Truro - Contracts

Truro - Contracts

highways : 201315051

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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