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builtheritage : 200803030
Map of the First Division of the Roads Leading from Halifax to Truro and Windsor
builtheritage : 200804564
builtheritage : 200804529
Showing New and Old Roads (Jeddore)
builtheritage : 200804526
connors : 200700282
connors : 200700283
connors : 200700025
connors : 200700445
connors : 200700476
Our trip to Truro. Mac and Helen. Between, Dartmouth and Shubenacadie.
creighton : 202101468
Our trip to Truro. Another puncture near Stewiacke. Mac and Frank Milligan.
creighton : 202101469
Our trip to Truro. Elmsdale. A puncture. Mac and Frank Milligan.
creighton : 202101470
Our trip to Truro. Elmsdale. Helen and Mac Creighton
creighton : 202101471
Mac and Helen Creighton near Truro, Nova Scotia
creighton : 202202071
Maritime Senior Golf Association, Forth Annual Meet, Truro
creighton : 202212068
dennis : 200800361
dennis : 200800362
dennis : 200800363
Peter Wilmots, Indian Reservation, Truro, Col. Co., NS
dennis : 200800454
Church between Truro and Glenholm, Col. Co.
dennis : 200800480
Provincial Normal College, Truro, NS
dennis : 200800518
Ross monument, Truro Park, Col. Co.
dennis : 200800533
dennis : 200800536
Holy Well, Victoria Park, Truro
dennis : 200800763
Adams Archibald fountain, Victoria Park, Truro
dennis : 200800767
dennis : 200802525
dennis : 200802526
dennis : 200802527
dennis : 200802528
dennis : 200802529
dennis : 200802530
eastcoastport : 200903448
eastcoastport : 200902346
eastcoastport : 200902347
eastcoastport : 200902348
Stanfields Woolens plant, Truro
eastcoastport : 200902349
Stanfields Woolens plant, Truro
eastcoastport : 200902350
eastcoastport : 200902351
eastcoastport : 200902352
eastcoastport : 200902354
eastcoastport : 200902356
eastcoastport : 200902357
eastcoastport : 200902358
Musquodoboit Centennial Celebrations, 11-13 July 1915
halifax : 199900078
highways : 201315051
Truro - Glenholme Routes No. 2 and No. 4, looking towards Masstown
highways : 201315053
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