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maps : 201402346
maps : 201402291
Plan of road laid out from Elmsdale to Truro Road Crossing
maps : 201602043
maps : 201402293
maps : 201402294
maps : 201402295
Town of Truro, N.S. Street plan
maps : 201402296
maps : 202012882
Town of Truro Nova Scotia Street Plan
maps : 202012894
Town of Truro, N.S. Street Plan
maps : 202012896
maps : 201402297
maps : 201402298
Truro, NS. 1978 Town Street Map & Area Historical map 3 copies
maps : 202012897
maps : 202012903
maps : 202012905
maps : 202012907
maps : 202012909
maps : 202012912
maps : 202012915
mccully : 201216177
mccully : 201216178
mccully : 201216179
mccully : 201216180
mccully : 201216181
mccully : 201216182
mccully : 201216183
mccully : 201216184
mccully : 201216185
mccully : 201216186
mccully : 201216187
Susan Sack, Harry Piers, and Henry Sack on Indian Point
mikmaq : 200100025
Basket shop on Millbrook Reserve near Truro
mikmaq : 200100045
Micmac Indians at Truro Reservation, Col. Co., 26 July 1927
mikmaq : 200100113
Micmac Indians at Shubenacadie Reservation, Hants Co., N.S., June 1927
mikmaq : 200100114
mikmaq : 200100115
Account of James Archibald of supplies distributed to the Mikmaq at Truro.
mikmaq : 201606624
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