Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Results 106 to 120 of 1109 from your search: E/

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Letter, John Easson, Halifax, to David Easson

Business details, also comments on David's interest in Mrs. Mott, a widow with two children -- reminding him that if her married her, he would have to pay off her late husband's debts.

Date: 3 September 1770

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/72

Transcript available

Power of Attorney, John Easson to David Easson

Signed and acknowledged before William Nesbitt, J.P.

Date: 11 October 1770

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/73

Account, David Easson with Samuel Spinney, Granville

For repairing cartwheel and shoeing horses, one belonging to Captain Prescot[t].

Date: 1 October 1770

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/142

Statement of Account, Ebenezer Worthylake

Indebted to David Easson for £1-11-8.

Date: 22 March 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/74

Invoice for men's and women's shoes

Receipt of goods from Winter Calef and agreement to split net proceeds after disposal in Cumberland; acknowledged by Isaac Danks, Boston.

Date: 22 April 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/75

Statement of account, John Easson with Lane Son & Fraser, London

Includes charge for goods shipped in the Thomas Davies £28-12-6. Easson's balance owing £55-4-2.

Date: 30 April 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/76

Surveyor's certificate, Phillip Berteux

Survey and marking of pine timber, conducted in [district of ] Clare by Barteaux, for Arnay [?] Sonay [Saulnier].

Date: 7 May 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/61

Receipt, Solomon Farnsworth, Annapolis Royal

Payment from David Easson.

Date: 8 June 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/68

Letter, Lane Son & Fraser, London, to John Easson

Enclosing his account current up to 30 April last, with £55-4-2 owing to them.

Date: 12 July 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/77

Contract between David Easson and Captain David Adamson of the ship Brudenell of London

Easson to load vessel with pine and spruce not less than 10 inches square and 20 feet long, as soon as the vessel arrives at Sabing's [Sabean's?] Cove, Sissiboo, NS.

Date: 20 August 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/78

Transcript available

Receipt, J. Pettit

For coal and shovels purchased and paid for by "Mr. Easson."

Date: 21 August 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/79

Receipt, Robert Field, London, to Mr. Easson

For purchase of cotton and wool at £10-4-11.

Date: 5 September 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/80

Account, David Easson with Andrew Ritchie

For foodstuffs, rum, shoes, etc. totalling £18-3-3-4

Date: 21 October 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/81

Receipt, Timothy Jarvis, Boston

Received from E. Winter Calef, one barrel of shoes, which he [Jarvis] will deliver to Mr. Danks in Cumberland.

Date: 12 October 1771

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/57

Transcript available

Account, John Easson with Christopher Prince

Mostly for grains, tobacco, rum, and food.

Date: 1772

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/38.1

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