Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, John Easson, Halifax, to David Easson

Business details, also comments on David's interest in Mrs. Mott, a widow with two children -- reminding him that if her married her, he would have to pay off her late husband's debts.  3 September 1770.  4 pages : 30 x 50 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/72

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Dear David           Hallifax Septr 3d 1770
          I have Wrott to You by Mr Wilkens and Since
I Wrott I have rec’d Your Letter and as I have this Opper
tunity by Capt Dulape to write to You I am Surprized
that any one Should Came and Say that I Od [owed] them
Gran Wooster was to have fifteen bushels for putting up
the fence. I promised James Ree two bushels which
Mr Williams was to pay if he had it but I was under
No Obligation to Lett him have it. he had one of the
Bushels befor I left You and any one Ells [else] I know none.
I believe Mrs Wooster had Good part of his before I Came
away in toll at the Mill what Soud [sold] to Mr Every was
for the freight of the Goods that Came last from England
which was to be payd to Mr Boss but it is but a triffell.
I am Sarrow [sorry] that I did Not See Sandy Robison before I
Came away but I had So much to think of that I had no
Thought of him and I am Much Surprized how he Can
Say that I am indepted to him three or four pounds.
You May Depend on it that there is No Such thing
if Sandy was in need I Should have thought but Little
of three or four pound to helpt him in any thing
that he wanted but he Ought Not to have Served
Me So David I am Glad You are paying Solloman
As Capt Dulape is Coming for hay if You Can Gett
Hay from Tommas [Thomas] Fernsworth for the Money he Ows [owes]
Me and for the ten Dollars that I payd him Over from the
Last hay that I sent to Gouldebery. Capt Dulape on
Mr Wilkins will Give You the Cash for it

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