Business details, also comments on David's interest in Mrs. Mott, a widow with two children -- reminding him that if her married her, he would have to pay off her late husband's debts. 3 September 1770. 4 pages : 30 x 50 cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/72
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Dear David Hallifax Septr 3d 1770
I have Wrott to You by Mr Wilkens and Since
I Wrott I have rec’d Your Letter and as I have this Opper
tunity by Capt Dulape to write to You I am Surprized
that any one Should Came and Say that I Od [owed] them
Gran Wooster was to have fifteen bushels for putting up
the fence. I promised James Ree two bushels which
Mr Williams was to pay if he had it but I was under
No Obligation to Lett him have it. he had one of the
Bushels befor I left You and any one Ells [else] I know none.
I believe Mrs Wooster had Good part of his before I Came
away in toll at the Mill what Soud [sold] to Mr Every was
for the freight of the Goods that Came last from England
which was to be payd to Mr Boss but it is but a triffell.
I am Sarrow [sorry] that I did Not See Sandy Robison before I
Came away but I had So much to think of that I had no
Thought of him and I am Much Surprized how he Can
Say that I am indepted to him three or four pounds.
You May Depend on it that there is No Such thing
if Sandy was in need I Should have thought but Little
of three or four pound to helpt him in any thing
that he wanted but he Ought Not to have Served
Me So David I am Glad You are paying Solloman
As Capt Dulape is Coming for hay if You Can Gett
Hay from Tommas [Thomas] Fernsworth for the Money he Ows [owes]
Me and for the ten Dollars that I payd him Over from the
Last hay that I sent to Gouldebery. Capt Dulape on
Mr Wilkins will Give You the Cash for it
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