Because 'The Eassons and the Hoyts' consists almost entirely of digitized textual records, the small virtual exhibit presented here features over thirty engravings, aquatints, photographs and maps, in order to provide a visual sense of the homes and communities in which these families lived. Several miscellaneous documents gleaned from other archival material held at Nova Scotia Archives and elsewhere are also included, to provide additional background information.
"A New Chart of the Coast of New England, Nova Scotia, New France or Canada"
Date: 1745
Artist: N. Bellin
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Map Collection: 200-1745: loc.3.5.2
"Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada"
Date: 1755
Artist: N. Bellin
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Map Collection: 200-1755: loc.3.5.2
"Map of the Province of Nova Scotia and Parts adjacent"
Date: 1759
Artist: James Turner
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Map Collection: 200-1759: loc.3.5.6
"A New and accurate Map of the Province of Nova Scotia in North America from the latest Observations"
Date: 1783
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Map Collection: 200-1783: loc.3.5.7
"A Map of the Island of Jamaica"
Date: 1794
Artist: Bryan Edwards
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Library: AK/ F210/ Ed9 vol. 1
"The General's Bridge near Annapolis"
Date: 1842
Artist: W.H. Bartlett
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Documentary Art: 1979-147
"Old Fort near Annapolis Royal"
Date: 1842
Artist: W.H. Bartlett
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Documentary Art: 1979-147 no. 473
"Scene in the Bay of Annapolis (from Digby)"
Date: 1842
Artist: W.H. Bartlett
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Documentary Art: 1979-147 no. 459
"A Prospect of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, taken on the Spot"
Date: 1751
Artist: J.H. Bastides
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives:Places: Annapolis: General Views
"A Prospect of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, 1751"
Date: 1751
Artist: Thomas Chamberlain
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives:Places: Annapolis: General Views
"View of the Town & Fort of Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia"
Date: ca.1753-1755
Artist: John Hamilton
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives:Places: Annapolis: General Views
"View of Fort Edward in Piziguit River, Nova Scotia"
Date: 1753
Artist: John Hamilton
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Army: Forts
"View of Fort Cumberland in Nova Scotia, taken from the French 1755"
Date: 1755
Artist: John Hamilton
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Army: Forts
"Scene on Annapolis River"
Date: 1841
Artist: Alexander C. Mercer
Reference: LAC: watercolour no. 00058
Letter, George S. Hoyt, Lequille, to his cousin Alexander Easson Hoyt
Date: 27 Nov. 1909
Reference: MG 100 vol. 137 no. 5a
"John Easson's Contract for Furnishing Stone & Sand"
Date: 12 July 1763
Reference: MG 100 vol. 137 no. 6
"Scene of Charnisay's defeat by LaTour in 1643"
Date: ca.1920
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille
"Site of first corn mill in North America near Port Royal on Equille River at high tide point"
Date: 26 August 1948
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille
Ruins of a mill on the Lequille River.
Date: 1926
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille: 1926.1
"Mouth of the Lequille, Sept. 1926"
Date: 1926
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille: 1926.2
Ruins of a mill on the Lequille River
Date: 1926
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille: 1926.3
Ruins of a mill on the Lequille River
Date: 1926
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille: 1926.4
Ruins of a mill on the Lequille River
Date: 1926
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille: 1926.5
Ruins of a mill on the Lequille River
Date: 1926
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille: 1926.6
"Residence of Harry Harnish, Lequille, Ann. Co."
Date: ca.1930
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives: Places: Lequille
Bailey House, 150 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, ca.1770
Date: ca.1930
Reference: Annapolis Heritage Society
Easson House, Lequille, Annapolis County
Date: ca.1972
Artist: Walter Morrison, Photographer
Reference: MG 30, Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, Series I, vol. 1, no. 1.
Front door of the Easson House, Lequille, Annapolis County
Date: ca.1972
Artist: Walter Morrison, Photographer
Reference: MG 30, Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, Series I, vol. 1, no. 1.
Letter, John Easson, Boston, to David Easson
Date: 18 December 1773
Reference: The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History - document number: GLC00191. Used with permission.
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Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.