Nova Scotia Archives

Tom Connors: 'The Old Sport'

Results 1 to 15 of 300 from your search:

"Red Bank, New Jersey, 1938"

Date: 1938

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 162

F.L. Sullivan, Halifax.; Hilton Belyea, Sculler, Skater; Alex Nelson, Maritime Champion in Fours & Doubles; C.S. Titus, Single Scull Champion of America, 1920, 1906; Frank Greer, Single Scull Champion of America, 1903-1905, 1908. Red Bank, New Jersey, 1938

Race on Halifax Harbour

Date: ca. 1830

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 178

Advertisement for a Regatta

Date: 20 Sep 1838

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 179

"George Lovett"

Date: 1862

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 180

"George Lovett Champion Sculler of Halifax N.S. 1863"

Date: 1863

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 181

James Hamill versus Walter Brown Hudson River at Newburgh, N.Y.

Date: September 1867

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 182

Ross Foley Crew

Date: 1867

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 183

Mr. Gilpin; William Ross; Captain Marvin; Robert Foley; John Hutton

James Renforth

Date: 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 184

"J.H. Sadler"

Date: ca. 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 185

J.H. Sadler

Date: 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 186.

Paris Crew

Date: 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 187

Bob Fulton, Stroke; Hutton, After Mid-Ship; Elijah Ross, Forward; Pierce, Bow

"Renforth Crew. 1871."

Date: 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 189

W. Price, Bow; Bob Chambers, Forward; E. Kelly, After Mid-Ship; James Renforth, Stroke

Renforth Crew

Date: 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 190

"Taylor-Winship Crew"

Date: ca. 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 193.1

Thomas Winship; Robert Bagnall; J.H. Sadler; James Taylor

Barton Tangier Crew

Date: 1871

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 194

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