Nova Scotia Archives

Tom Connors: 'The Old Sport'

Results 1 to 5 of 5 from your search:

''YMCA Intermediate Basket Ball Team. Halifax, N.S.''

Date: 1927

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 001

W. Beazley, Left Forward; C. Harris, Left Guard; J.F. Piers, Coach; C. Smith, Left Guard; A. Mitchell, Right Forward; E. Winchcombe, Right Guard; B. Shannon, Right Guard; D. Hewat, Left Forward; A. Robinson, Right Forward; J.W. Heil, Centre, Capt.; A. Lucas, Left Forward; E. Woodworth, Right Forward

Phalanx Basketball Team

Date: 1929

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 002

"St. Johns Senior Tuxis Champions of Halifax and Dartmouth. Senior Tuxis Leagues. 1930"

Date: 1930

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 003

C. Strum, Defense; C. Stoddard, Forward; Roy O'Brien, Coach; B. Stoddard, Forward; J.W. Heil, Centre, Captain.; A. Cooke, Defense Captain

"1930-1931 Wanderers Intermediate Basketball Team Canadian Champions"

Date: 1930-1931

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 004

H.M. Harris, Guard; C.T. Doyle, Forward; J.F. Fahie, Guard, Captain; J.V. Rudderham, Forward; J.S. Wilson, Guard; F.R. Gardiner, Forward; J.W. Thomas, Coach; K.E. Chisholm, Forward; H.M. Grant, Centre

Wanderers Basketball Team

Date: ca. 1930s

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 005

Clyde Sperry; Jack Thomas, Coach; five unidentified players, Bevil Piers, Erick Woodworth, Clarence G. Harris


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