"Baserunner Jackie Rudderham of Liverpool. First baseman is Bill Manning of Shipyards"
Date: 1900s
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 044
Vince Ferguson, St. Agnes of the Twilight Baseball league
Date: 1929
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 045
Baseball on the North Commons
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 046
Unidentified Team
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 047
Baseball Team
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 048
Yarmouth Team
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 049
Great War Veterans Association Baseball Team
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 050.1
Unidentified Baseball Team
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 050.2
Olands Team
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 051
St. Pat's Team
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 052
"Big Crowd at Wanderers Grounds Some Years Ago"
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 053
Team Being Congratulated
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 054
"The Picture of the Old Time Baseball Teams. Taken at Cook's Corner on Gottingten Street amd Cornwallis Street"
Date: ca. 1947
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 055.1
Baseball Action on the Commons
Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 056
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/connors/results/
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.