Nova Scotia Archives

Tom Connors: 'The Old Sport'

Results 46 to 50 of 50 from your search:

Baseball Action and Teams, Westville

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 057.1

Baseball Action and Teams, Westville

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 058.1

"A Big Crowd at the Baseball at the Wanderers Grounds Some Years Ago"

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 562

Young Men's Social Club

Date: 1887

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 563

Robie Davison, Pitcher; Howard Smith; William F. Smith; George Scriven; William Pickering; James Doyle, Catcher; W.R. Scriven; Allan McDonald; Jack Graham; James Farquhar, President

"Wanderers Grounds, Halifax, N.S."

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 627

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