Nova Scotia Archives

Voices of the People

Nova Scotia House of Assembly Petitions and Correspondence

Results 2416 to 2430 of 2992 from your search: RG 5 Series A

2 March 1811

Message from Lt.-Governor Sir George Prevost to the Assembly transmitting an enclosing the memorials of Flieger and Wallace.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 43

2 March 1811

Resolution for granting £50 granted to James Ratchford and James Noble Shannon to encourage the running of a packet between Windsor and Partridge Island.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 44

4 March 1811

Petition of John Steele and other inn-keepers of Halifax, complaining of the execution of act for repairing etc. the Halifax streets. "By the first section of the above recited Act all Persons in the Town of Halifax are bound to keep the Gutters and Streets before the House and Land occupied by them clean and free from nuisances, under a penalty of twenty shillings for each and every offence, That there are at particular Seasons great number of Farmers and Countrymen with their Teams, Sleds &c. at the houses of your Petitioners, That your Petitioners have not, nor can they procure places in the Town of Halifax for the accommodation of the Sleds and Teams of the Farmers…That the Farmers and Countrymen are therefore under the absolute necessity of leaving their Sleds in the Streets before the Premises of your Petitioners which the magistrates of Halifax have considered to be nuisances and have fined some of your Petitioners pursuant to the said Act, that unless your Petitioner can obtain relief they must give up…innkeeping." Signed with 5 names.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 45

4 March 1811

Petition of Enos Collins, asking for drawback on coffee imported from the West Indies, landed in Halifax, shipped for Great Britain and captured by the French, and enclosing two certificates to the truth of the statements.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 46

4 March 1811

Petition of Luke Upham and other inhabitants of North River in Onslow township, asking for a grant for improving the main road through their settlement and the township. Signed with 12 names.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 47

4 March 1811

Two resolutions granting sums to the Provincial Treasurer in lieu of office rent and to Judge George Henry Monk for travelling expenses for his services as Oyer and Terminer in Queen’s County the previous September.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 48

4 March 1811

154 resolutions of the House for votes for the service of roads and bridges throughout the province.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 49

6 March 1811

Draft of report of committee on Flieger’s petition, outlining the duties and recommending that the salary of the office of Weigher and Gauger be augmented.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 50

7 March 1811

Expenses of surveying and escheating the Douglas Grant.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 51

7 March 1811

Expenses of surveying and escheating the Philadelphia Grant and making out grant of confirmation.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 52

7 March 1811

Minutes of the committee of the whole House on private petitions, Mr. Dimock chairman.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 53

8 March 1811

Petition of Richard John Uniacke Jr., asking for compensation for his services while accompanying Judge Monk to Queen’s County to hold a court of Oyer and Terminer. Enclosing a letter from Judge Monk to Attorney-General asking for services of a lawyer to prosecute case for Crown and list of Uniacke's expenses.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 54

9 March 1811

Draft of opinion of the Council with regard to the proposal of a special agent. "His Majesty’s Council are of opinion the services of Mr. Bernard will still continue to be useful and beneficial to this Province and that any alteration whereby he might be displaced would be prejudicial to the Interests of this Province. 2d. His Majesty’s Council are fully satisfied of the many important Services rendered to this Colony by Mr. Atcheson and that he is not through the Solicitations of the London Committee of Merchants of which he is secretary endeavouring to procure many objects of the first importance to the interests of this Province. 3rd. His Majesty’s Council consider the meritorious exertions of Mr. Atcheson highly beneficial to all ranks and descriptions of His Majesty’s Subjects in this Province as well as to the Merchants, and it is the opinion of His Majesty’s Council that Mr. Atcheson ought not to be paid for his services at the expence of a few public spirited individuals but that the sum which shall be considered a Compensation for his services ought to be paid by the province at large. 4th. That the most eligible mode of continuing the beneficial services of Mr. Atcheson is to obtain the approprobation of His Exy. the Lt. Governor to a vote of both Houses granted such sum as the Assembly may think proper to Mr. Atcheson as a reward for the services he has rendered this Colony in soliciting and obtaining from his Majesty’s Government many great advantages to the Trade and fisheries of this Province. lastly His Majesty’s Council consider this Mode of proceeding would Effect the Object which is wished by both Houses without interfering with the established agent and particularly as Mr. Atcheson does not stand in need of any Credential from the Government of this Province to obtain the attention of His Majesty’s Government to any representations he may make in our behalf." Then crossed out "They have communicated their opinion which they have stated to us to His Excellency who is pleased with the Measure proposed and will give his assent to granting Mr. Atcheson a Sum of Money for his services." (There is no sign of this in the Journal.)

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 55

9 March 1811

Report No. 1 upon the expenditure of monies granted by the Legislature for making and repairing of roads and bridges throughout the Province" submitted by Michael Wallace, auditor general.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 56

9 March 1811

Resolution that it is expedient to make a further grant for the services of roads and bridges.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 17 number 57

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