Nova Scotia Archives

Voices of the People

Nova Scotia House of Assembly Petitions and Correspondence

Results 1846 to 1860 of 2992 from your search: RG 5 Series A

1 December 1806

Certification that John Archibald faithfully built the bridge at Fletcher's

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 43g

Record of wages for workers from the province of Nova Scotia to John Archibald, Commissioner for the Road from Truro to Pictou.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 43h

November 1806

Memorial of James Yuill and other inhabitants of Old Barns, Shubenacadie, asking for a grant of £50 to improve the road from Mr. Yuill’s to Black Rock. 15 names signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 44

November 1806

Memorial of Hugh Denoon and others on behalf of the inhabitants of the district of Pictou. "That from the increased population of the District, the established Roads and Bridges – through the Settlement are become extensive and numerous and your memorialists, from mature experience are decidedly of opinion, that the present statue mode, of making and repairing them by Laber, is quite inadequate to that important purpose. – Your Memorialists do not hesitate to assert, that the state laber, is but indifferently performed in general through the Province; and beg leave to call upon your own individual observation, to corroborate the justness of that assertion. – They, therefore, humbly conceive that it would be very salutary, at least for their District, if the Statute Laber was converted into a pecuniary proportionate Tax; as, one half the amount of the Laber prescribed by Law, collected in Cash, and judiciously expended, at a proper season of the year, by competent Commissioners, annually appointed by the Justices and Grant Jury in General Sessions, would do more, and to much better propose, than Double the whole Road Laber as it is at present performed." Asking for local law.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 45

20 December 1806

Account of William F. Bonnell, Health Officer for Digby and list of vessels visited between 23 July and 2 November 1806. Signed. Overleaf. "£56."

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 46

8 November 1806

The Justices Certificate of Approbation of Tobias Miller as Commissioner of Roads in Digby.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 47

8 November 1806

Letter from Elias Wheelock, Annapolis, to Edward James, Lunenburg, regarding the new road to Lunenberg.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 48

29 November 1806

Petition of Francis Smith and other inhabitants of Newport Township asking for grant to change the road which at present is carried over high hills, and to build a bridge over Meander River. 53 signatures.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 49

12 November 1806

Certifiate of John Clarke and Peter Shey finding the road and bridges from Windsor to Chester agreeable to contract.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 50

13 November 1806

Petition of Thomas Biggs and other inhabitants of Maccan, asking aid in building a road from the Saw mill on that river to the River Philip, 14 miles distant. They have begun work on the bridge. "the land all through is very good for a road and in General for Settling, and was there a good Road to it we make no doubt but it would very soon be Setled," inhabitants "now are obliged to travel forty Miles instead of fourteen when business requires them to Pass from one Settlement to the other." 21 names signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 51

15 November 1806

Account of the Health Officer for the port of Windsor for his services for the year 1806. Signed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 52

17 November 1806

Petition of Richard Carder and four other inhabitants of Nelson Settlement, Pleasant River, Queens County. They are settled on the Liverpool to Nictaux road, and need a sawmill to encourage settlers to come to their community…"and if it should be said that there is already a Saw Mill; the Answer is that she is so remote from Pleasant River that it cannot render any benefit to the Settlers of that Part, and also that she cannot, owing to her situation Saw more than will supply the Settlement, for which she is erected, as she cannot go but when water is at a certain heighth; that is, neither hig(h) nor low; and either of these Extreems will impead her, and the remote distance renders her useless to the inhabitants of Pleasant River." Signed. Dismissed.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 53

18 November 1806

Petition of Andrew Murdoch, insolvent debtor in Halifax jail, detailing the reasons for his being there, the conditions, and asking for an act of the legislature to release him from prison. (Compare with the petition of Andrew Murdoch and others in prison in the Halifax gaol, 1805-6 session – RG 5 A Vol. 12 No 33)

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 54

20 November 1806

List of members returned in the election. Minutes of meeting of Assembly on Nov. 18.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 55

20 November 1806

Petition of William Cochran, candidate in the late election, protesting that William Lawson, who came last on the poll of those elected had not the required forty shilling freehold qualification, and therefore should be unseated and himself be given the seat.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series A volume 13 number 56

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