Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotians in the Age of Slavery and Abolition

Results 31 to 45 of 51 from your search:

House at North Preston, with group of children in the foreground

Date: 2 October 1934

Photographer: Gauvin & Gentzel

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Collection: Places: Preston

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

Sign from the Stag Inn, Preston

Date: [1840s or 1850s]

Credit: History Collection, Nova Scotia Museum

Reference Nova Scotia Museum accession number 34-211

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

House at Preston, formerly the Stag Inn

Date: 2 October 1934

Photographer: Gauvin & Gentzel

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Collection: Places: Preston

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (newspaper clipping)

Date: 12 September 1938

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives "Make Appeal In Behalf Of Church", Halifax Mail 12 September 1938 p.2 (microfilm 7288)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

''Winter on Hollis Steet, Halifax, N.S., Christmas trees''

Date: [ca. 1947]

Photographer: Robert Norwood

Reference: Robert Norwood  Nova Scotia Archives accession number 1987-480/263

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

William Riley, with his daughter Rose standing behind him in the doorway, Cherry Brook

Date: 1948

Photographer: attributed to Helen Creighton

Reference: Helen Creighton  Nova Scotia Archives accession number 1987-178/14-124

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

''Charlie Symonds, a cooper of Upper Hammonds Plains''

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 38 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

Young boy in front of a pile of finished barrel staves at the Anderson sawmill near Hammonds Plains

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 41 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

A.W. Evans' farm, Preston, with a view of the piggery

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 21 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

Operating the circular saw at the Anderson sawmill near Hammonds Plains

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 41 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

Group of women (and one man) dressed for choir practice at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Upper Hammonds Plains

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 66 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

Mrs. Johnson and two young boys, Upper Hammonds Plains

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 65 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

One of the youngest residents of Upper Hammonds Plains

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 65 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

House, Upper Hammonds Plains

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 19 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

Community Hall, Upper Hammonds Plains

Date: 1949

Photographer: C.R. Brookbank

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives C.R. Brookbank, Afro-Canadian Communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia (unpublished MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1949), page 15 (HT431 /B871 /A259)

Theme: Community Album, ca. 1879-1955

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