Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

Results 16 to 30 of 83 from your search: 2008

1784  15 Mar  Jamaica  

264. Nathaniel Whitworth to his brother Charles, on Charles' embarking on business in Nova Scotia. ''Finding you dispos'd to settle in business in the Province of Nova Scotia, I would from what little knowledge I have of that Country recommend Port Rosway alias Shelburne as your place of residence, where you will establish a House under the firm of Messrs. Charles & Nathl. Whitworth, to commence the business thereof I have advanc'd two thousand Pounds Sterling, with the addition of two thousand Pounds more upon Credit from the House of our correspondence Messrs. Champion & Dickson merchants in London, the whole amount of which I have order'd to be Ship'd to your address in Halifax or Port Rosway if a conveyance offers, as early as possible after receiving my Orders;
    Your own knowledge and experience in the business we are entering into, renders it totally unnecessary for me to give any directions respecting any one branch thereof, the principal obstacle that at present occurs is that of accomodating yourself a store, but I would feign hope should you be a loss, that my very particular friend John Miller Esq. Depty, Collr. at Shelburne will have it in his power to furnish you with a place suitable, but should you have no other alternative I am convinc'd our mutual friend Capt. Gideon White will with pleasure oblige you in any requisition on that head.
    The next thing that I have to recommend to your most particular attention is that of being punctual in your correspondence and regular in your remittance...I shall inform you on my Arrival in England of the usual Credit given to Merchants in America, which will be a guide to you in your remittances; but at any time, should you have a quantity of Specie by you, by all means procure Bills (which you will always do at a discount) and forward them p. first conveyance, and not wait the expiration of the time we are credited; I would always avoid if possible in our importations exceeding the amount of the Credit we have ask'd for, should we be fortunate, I would rather lessen than increase it, and by degrees hope we shall be establish'd entirely on our own Bottoms; never fail writing our friends for Insurance whenever you send for Goods.
    As all transactions whatever in the line of business are on our Joint concern, you'll please give me Credit for one half the sum advanc'd viz. two thousand Pounds and of all other Monies you may collect on my Account.''
    ''I would not recommend you to be too hasty in entering into the fishery, rather wait the result of other People which will enable you to determine whether it will be an Object; should you have any concerns in that line before my Arrival, I think the American Market will be the most eligible as you may Judge from the fluctuating Prices here, and at the Windward Islands.
    In point of building I think you should not be in two great a hurry, unless Miller has made a purchase of a Water Lot, in that case, I think you had better immediately set about it, but you will be better able to Judge when you arrive on the Spot, I think its more than probable youll be able to purchase a Store already compleated, as many people have reduc'd themselves to the last shilling in building, and have not at present wherewithal to support themselves.'' Encloses invoice of rum he has sent; he is to remit the Messrs. Lane, Son and Fraser in London. g. Brinley, G. Townsend and T. a. Coffin are in Halifax and will be of service. If he cannot collect any cash from debts owing he may call on Dr. Prince or either of the Debloises. Postscript. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 264

1784  3 May  Halifax  

272. [Copy of] receipt given by Gideon White for articles issued from the military stores for the 2nd battalion of the Duke of Cumberland's regiment.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 272

1784  16 May  Chedabucto  

274. John McPherson to Gideon White, reporting their arrival and difficulties. ''We arrived here in a passage of 3 days & were much pleased with our views of settling but find ourselves much disappointed by the conduct of the Surveyor that came along with us. I can in the first place prove that he is incapable of the business he has undertaken, & secondly he intends to push in as many people as he thinks proper to draw lots with us, such as the Captn. & Mate of the Transport &c. he talks of giving them water lots & will give us none, he has made the most confused tedious piece of business in laying out the Town I ever saw, his conduct is insufferable, if it had not been for the assistance of a Gentleman here that understands surveying & my own help he could have done nothing hitherto, he says his instructions from Government leavs him at liberty to act as he pleases & that he will not give us water lotts till he has an order from the Governor or Surveyor General for so doing.'' Asks White to procure the order. Sends McDonald's compliments. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 274

1784  24 May  Halifax  

277. Part of letter to Nathaniel Whitworth apparently from his brother Charles. He has been detained in Halifax by illness and the slow sale of rum, but will sail for Shelburne at the first opportunity, since he has word of the arrival of his goods there. I have sold only five Puncheons at 3/6 the Purchaser Payg. The Duty; I have exposed it to Public Sale several times, but nobody inclin'd to Purchase, and as my Business at Shelburne is of so much greater Consequence, shall leave the Rum with Mr. G. Dobloise with instructions to sell it, if Possible, and Proceed with all Posible Dispatch there, and as I am told the Duty on Rum is not Pay'd at Shelburne and will be taken of[f] here upon reshiping, if on my Arrival there find it will answer shall send for it. Capt. Cocken will look after goods until his return; Cocken has a store which Charles may rent.
    ''With respect to your outstanding Debts in this Province I'm sorry to say cannot give any flattering Accounts of, I have only seen Miller & Hart the former I am told has mortgaged his house and everything he has, a very fine five Hundred Acre Lott excepted, which lies near Shelburne, and which I am advis'd and mean to Lay hold of upon my Arrival, the latter in great Distress the Day I was in Shelburn he declair'd he had not a Shilling to Purchase a loaf of Bread. he has got a Grant of a very fine lott upon the left hand side going up the Harbour of Shelburne, where by the Assistance of some of His Friends (he being originally a Rope Maker) is building a Walk for Carrying on that Business...Our friend Capt. Gid White is here he intends going to Shelburne with me but I believe will not Settle there, as the Lands for both Battallions of the D of Cumberlands Regiment is taken up at a Place call'd Chedabucto about thirty Leagues to the Eastward of this, which Place I believe he intends to make his residence.'' Incomplete. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 277

1784  20 Jun  Chedabucto  

288. 1. Return of the disbanded officers and privates, with their wives, children and servants, of the Duke of Cumberland's regiment settled at Chedabucto, with the number of acres of land allotted each. Signed.

2. List of loyal refugees on board the Argo, going from East Florida to Chedabucto. Copy.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 288

1784  3 Aug  Shelburne  

300. Draft of letter from Gideon White to Thos. Melish, Jamaica. Directions with regard to his business on the island. He is to send rum, sugar and coffee owed by Maj. McDonald on to Nova Scotia; his agents are: John Prince in Halifax, Chas. Whitworth in Shelburne and Robt. Or Wm. Pagan in St. John. "You I suppose are Anxious to here what kind of Situation we are in - in this Quarter - be assured it is dam'd hard 'tho in the Course of a few years it will be a very Eligible Situation. I am here securing my little Land &c - but shall not build 'till matters are better Regulated - We have about 15,000 Inhabitants here and but very little Justice, Owing to the misconduct or folly of those in power - In this Town are 2700 Houses - Above 2000 are framed - And business will soon be sprightly. the Whale and Cod fishys. are now attended too - One Whaleman has Arrived with 500 Barrels - nex Year I expect to see great exertions - but at present every Man seems intent on a House, Wharfe, Stores &c." Chedabucto is one of the best situations. He has tried to have lands for Melish and several other officers in his regiment secured, but the Governor has decreed that no person can have land who is not on the spot. News of various friends. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 300

1784  10 Aug  Shelburne  

303. Muster roll of disbanded commission officers and privates of the Duke of Cumberland's Regiment of Foot at Shelburne, with lots of land assigned to each. Declaration by Gideon White, Captain, that they have not received "the Donations Allowd. them by His Majesty". 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 303

1784  28 Aug  Shelburne  

308. ''Preliminary Steps to be taken in order to quiet the minds and apprehensions of the settlers in the town and district of Shelburne.''  Set of 19 provisions for the settling of disputes over allocation of lands and distribution of provisions etc. Two supplemental strictures regarding 50 acre lots and town and water lots.  

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 308

1784  6 Sep  Canso Gut  

312. R. F. Brownrigg to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He has expected White to join him. "…as I thought we should first build near the fishery: for which purpose, I purchased a Seine, and Canoe. As to the pretty folks, they are entirely out of the question for the people, since my being in Halifax, appointed Doctor McPherson Their Agent...I intend to have as few disagreeables as possible, and as I find that a quiet Mind suits me best. to preserve that have shifted the scene." "I had not an opportunity of personating Captain White and kissing the Halifax Ladies, not geting Your orders in time." Detailed information about Thomas Deialton, formerly a lieutenant in the regiment. "The Gents. at Chedabucto had given you a back lott, but I altered it, and You stand at present as I do. You must expect in return for Your good intentions and real services ingratitude. be assured it is the only payment You will receive." Recounts his activities as magistrate, officiating at marriages, funerals etc. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 312

1784  21 Oct  Shelburne  

326. Chas. Whitworth to Messrs. Geo. & Geo. Debloise, notifying them that George Tompson may draw on them for not more than £300. He has gone to Penobscot to load with lumber for the West Indies. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 948 No. 326

1785  28 Jan  London  

346. Account of Patrick McDonnough with Robt. Rashleigh & C. between 6 Sept. 1782 and 28 Jan. 1785.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 346

1785  16 Feb  London  

350. Robt. Rashleigh & Co. to Patrick Macdonough, relative to his business.  Signed.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 350

1785  6 Mar  Digby  

352. John Hill to Gideon White, recommending that he and Maj. Timpany refrain from going to law and leave the matter in dispute to two brothers of their lodge, in Halifax. ''We have a good Lodge here, called Digby Lodge No. 6''. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 352

1785  14 Mar  Halifax  

355. Capt. Brownrigg to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. News of their friends in Halifax. "The Governor and I have had two Tangles since I Last saw You, at the last I took my leave of him. I have got the Grant but You and I are entirely thrown off the river, and if You are not at Manchester early in the Spring, we shall be eyphers there - In short your staying so much at Shelburne has irretrievably ruined Us." He hopes "all party matters may subside." "We regulated the Assize of Bread today, 2 lb 5 oz. for 6d. And ordered all Meat to be sold in the market House at Market Hours." Hopes W. will be going to Manchester soon.  Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 355

1785  30 Mar  New York  

359. Michl. Roberts to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. He is sending the seeds White ordered, and is very happy to discharge some part of the obligation he is under. "I rejoice exceedingly to find by several letters from my friends in your quarter that your prospects are so pleasing, we have many erroneous reports respecting your settlements...permit me to assure you that our present situation here is very unpleasant & our future prospects exceeding gloomy - what with the Imposts, Rents, enormous Taxes &c. we poor Tories have got to pay-" Messages to various friends. Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 949 No. 359

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