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Thus, it will be perceived, your order has been exceeded by 26 Bushels, it having been affirmed that a like quantity had been given last season, and that less would not suffice for the present. If I have done more than you would have done in the same circumstances, let me abide the consequence, in paying the overplus.
From recent information it would appear that Charles Glode is not the Chief regularly recognised by the Tribe. Some five or six years since, Jim Meuse was displaced for irregular conduct, and Jack Glode elected in his place. But Jack not having much relish for government, resigned his authority to his brother Charles. This was done without the consent of the people, and consequently Jack, who is much respected by his Tribe, is still considered their rightful Chief. Both are clever Indians, Charles the more active and intelligent, but Jack the more sagacious and manly. Visiting their settlement just now would cause me some
See also documentary artwork in Virtual Exhibit "The General's Bridge near Annapolis" drawn by William H. Bartlett in 1842.
Date: 1842
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 432 pp. 117-120
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.