Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749



Cadett, Joseph Jr., 188.
Calley, Moses, 89.
Campble Mrs., claim, 93, 94.
Canada Cloathing, 45.
Canada, Governor's letter, 8.
division of land at, 244;
habitans of, to keep the peace, 116;
Mascarene to Deputies of, 141, 156, 163.
cheap to live at, 69;
company sent to, 71;
defenceless, 91;
dismal situatlon at, 128;
fishery at, 109;
force sent to, 69;
four companies at, 128;
French fishing at, 56;
garrison at, destitute, 119;
importance of, 91;
Justices of Peace apointed at, 58, 87, 121;
proclamation for, 131;
to be fortified, 76, 77;
work at, 184.
Cantoon or District, 219.
Cape Breton,
Capoon to take despatches to, 22;
exportation to, 204;
forts at, 10;
Governor's intervention, 34;
Intercourse with, 71;
soil and products, 26;
straits of French in, 34;
to be watched, 58.
Capon (Capoon), 3, 7, 9, 17, 41;
Account, 2;
account disputed, 10;
account sent, 31;
arrival in Annapolis, 34;
charges for sloop, 14;
has suffered from Indians, 22;
instructions for proclaiming George I., 12;
on this fishery, 11;
to assist N. E. commissioners, 21;
to get justice from Costabelle, 22;
to report ,to Caulfeild, 21;
to survey provisions, 4;
to take despatches to .C. B., 22;
to visit ports, 22;
to visit scene of Indian outrage, 21;
various duties of, 12;
volunteered to go to Indians, 35.
Capon exchange for turkey, 91.
Capons, not taken in payment of rent, 81.
Carpenter, Gen., 20;
Caulfeild's uncle, 30;
interposition on Caulfeild's behalf, 28.
Cartridge, not used, 10.
Case, conditions for re-opening, 154;
deferred, 148;
postponed for a year, 142.
Cases, decided only in Council, 151.
Cashe, Jacques, 113.
at Annapolis, 24;
at Mines, 24;
exported to C. B., 204;
for shipwrecked persons, 219;
killing forbidden, 118;
unruly, 221, 222;
unruly, order against, 206.
Caulfeild, sloop, 21.
Caulfeild, Thomas, Lieut. Gov.,
affairs involved, 64;
buried alive in Annapolis, 4;
character injured by Nicholson, 28;
forced to issue bills, 7;
his brothers, 20;
illness of, 43;
insinuations against, 7;
justification for establishing courts, 39;
knows nothing of Indian troubles, 22;
name misspelled, 23;
private bills, 33;
private order for groceries, 33;
private outlay for good of the service, 49;
spelling of name, 1;
will .promote trade, 6;
wishes personal supplies from Clark, 21;
without credit, 13.
Caulfeild, Thomas, Lieut.-Gov., [Correspondence],
from Netmaker, 9, 10;
from Nicholson, 8;
to Admiralty, 15, 28;
to agent of Garrison, 17;
to Belcher, 17;
to Board of Ordnance, 17, 34, 40, 47;
to Board of Trade, 13, 24, 34, 35, 38;
to Borland, 50;
to Burchett, 40;
to Capoon, instructions, 21;
to Clark, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43;
to Costabelle, 22;
to Dudley, 12, 15, 18, 34;
to Gallaway, 30;
to Gordon, agent, 20, 21, 23;
to How, 11;
to Jekyll, 48;
to Layard, 23;
to Lord Treasurer, 14;
to Manby, 46;
to Mascarene, 43;
to Master of Ordnance, 28;
to Mulcaster, 31, 33, 36, 37, 49;
to Netmaker, 6, 11;
to Nicholson, 3, 6, 10;
to Poulteney, 30, 39;
to Pringle, 40;
to Privy Council, 14;
to Rapin, 44;
to Secretary of State, 15;
to Secretary of War, 44;
to Southack, 44;
to Stanhope, 12, 28, 35, 41, 43, 48;
to Taylor, 42;
to Vaudreuil, 5;
to Vetch, 29;
to Victualing Office, 28, 50;
to Walpole H., 15, 31.
Caulfeild's letter-book, description, 1.
Cawley, from Savage, 73.
Cayly, Capt., 21;
arrives at Annapolis, 22.
Certificates of refusal to appear, 187.
Channel, molestatalon by stopping, 245.
Charlemont, 1.
Charlemont, 72, 73.
Charlomain, a. priest, 88.
Cheveraux, 100, 105, 108, 110.
Chevery's Creek, 97.
Chibucto, post at, recommended, 67.
Chief land-holder, responsible, 164.
(checanectou) produced good 'beef, 25;
Crown lands, occupied at, 234;
habitans of, disobedience of, 158, 246;
habitans of, refractory, 152, 153;
habitans of, warned, 164;
habitans reproved, 224;
lands petitioned for, at, 226;
misdemeanor at, 230;
O'Neal, rent-gatherer at, 212;
order to Deputies of, 246;
people of, bring charges against O'Neil, 213;
proclamation at, 57, 130, 137.
Chignecto [Correspondence],
Armstrong to Deputies of, 117;
Hamilton to Deputies of, 112, 113;
Mascarene to Deputies of, 141, 143, 158, 164;
Philipps to, 166.
Children, French, may win over, 26.
land dispute at, 211;
lands on, 159;
lands taken at, 221.
building at Cobequid, 82;
removal of, 88.
Church door,
proclamation at, 115, 166, 220.
Civil officers continued, 233.
Claims, danger of many, 95.
Clandestine deeds, 238;
to be prevented, 218.
Clark, 16;
care to preserve garrison., 21;
expected to send winter supplies., 23;
kindness of, 30;
outlay of ready money for Annapolis garrison., 21;
supplies to Annapolis, seasonable, 21;
to supply six months' provisions., 36.
Clark [Correspondence,
from Caulfeild, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 32, 40, 41, 42, 43.
Clark, Mrs., her present to Gov. Caulfeild, 21.
Clear, vessels do not, 135.
Clear, Wm., gunner,
his petition, 5;
made gunner, 7.
for garrison, satisfactory, 49;
issue of, limited, 123;
not suitable for French, 6;
per Sea-flower, 6;
price of, 11;
rotten, 38, 39;
sent from Boston, 11, 44;
sent to Annapolis, 9;
sent, bad and dear, 30, 31;
sold to French, 10;
unsaleable, 15.
Coal mines,
at Chignecto, 25;
worked by N. E., 63.
church building at, 82;
owned by M. Martaln, 94;
petitioned for priest, 100.
Cobequid, [Correspondence],
Armstrong to Deputies of, 79;
Philipps' proclamation at, 74, 75.
Cocksedge, Ens. sent with letter, 32.
Cod fishery at Canso, 91.
Cogswell, Francis,
J. P. at Canso, 121, 178.
commended, 62;
difficulties of, 70.
precedent of, 126;
project for, 80.
Colonizing, French methods of, 68.
accounts, 5;
return of provisions, 13, 16;
return sent to Clark, 23.
Commissary of musters at Placentia,
dead, 64.
Commission of Bergeau, returned, 137.
Commission-book,described, 169.
Commissioners, extraordinary powers of, 229, 230.
Commissioners, New England, to enquire into Indian outrages, 21.
Commissions sent for J. P.'s at Canso, 121.
Common of Minas.,
Gautrot's claim to, 193;
wood-cutting, 187.
Commonage, 195.
Company, names of members required, 126.
Compensation, unpaid, 127.
Confiscation, of vessels, 146.
appointed, 172;
at Grand Pre, 115;
commission, 242;
to assist rent-gatherer, 217.
Constable, High, appointed, 171.
Contempt .for garrison, French, 67.
Contract dated 1688, 189.
basis of rent-roll, 248;
brought in, 213;
robbery of, 227;
to be in charge of Deputies, 192;
to be revised, 97.
Contrait de Concession, 212.
Controversy, religious, 132.
Conveyance of Latour estates, 94.
to be registered, 218;
when valid, 197.
Copper mines at Minas, 25.
Cord-wood, size regulated, 189.
Corker, T., from Armstrong, 107.
Cosby, Major,
charges against, 122;
difference with officers, 119;
grant at Canso, 183;
grant of garden-plot, 78;
orders inquest, 128;
President of Council, 194;
promotion of, 134;
representations to court-martial, 225;
resignation, 83;
summer-house at Annapolis, 182.
Cosby, Major Lieut. Gov. [Correspondence],
from Armstrong, 119;
from Mascarene, 132.
Costabell governor of C. B., 26.
Costabelle, despatch to, on Indian outrages, 22.
half, order to pay, 216;
to be paid by defendant, 239.
Cottenham Samuel, Ens., 210;
sent for provisions, 79, 80.
Couchure, 240.
asked for advice, 78;
four of, in New England, 151;
members of, return, 156;
number at members, 170;
order de St. Poncy, to withdraw, 140;
order to appear before, 211;
quorum of, can administer oaths, 172;
remonstrance, 121;
senior member, President, 194;
to Philipps, 120.
Councillors, insufficient , for court, 148.
authority for, 226;
no power to hold, 61;
not enough officers for, 71;
on Capt. Heron, 122;
on Capt. Jephson, 122;
on Ensign Erskine's promotion, 31;
powers of, 117.
none on N. S., 39;
to meet quarterly, 76, 178.
Craggs, [Correspondence],
from Doucette, 53;
from Philipps, 55, 60, 62, 70.
Credit of garrison,
low, 30;
ruined by Nicholson, 31.
Crick, pronounciation, 248.
Cross, Lieut., 41;
on half-pay, 33.
cases affecting, rules for, 152;
seigneurial right, 164.
Crown lands,
occupied, 235;
permission regarding, 243;
settlements on, 249;
squatters on, 158;
unlawfully sold, 216;
work on forbidden, 208.
Cruelties, to British subjects, 127.



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