Nova Scotia Archives

'An East Coast Port': Halifax in Wartime, 1939-1945

Birney Tramcars on Barrington Street

Near intersection of Sackville Street, Halifax.

Nova Scotia Tramways and Power Company, Limited reorganized with the new corporate name Nova Scotia Light and Power Company, Limited in 1927. The Company had 59 Birneys serving a population of approximately 60,000 people at the outbreak of World War II.

They efficiently handled about 9,000,000 passengers per year. However, the war put a tremendous strain on the operation because Halifax's population doubled to about 120,000 in 1941 and the trams carried 31,000,000 passengers.

The Company purchased 23 additional Birneys. Russ Lownds's history Tram & Track: "The Birney" of Halifax, Nova Scotia also includes many photographs.

Date: 1933

Reference: W.R. MacAskill Nova Scotia Archives 1987-453 no. 4230

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