Nova Scotia Archives

Les familles Easson et Hoyt

Deux cents ans de vie familiale et communautaire en Nouvelle-Écosse

Lettre de Thomas Lane, de Londres, à John Easson

Regarding Easson's accounts and Ordnance business, and informing Easson that he [Lane] is now in partnership with Benjamin Booth.  26 May 1756.  2 pages : 30 x 39 cm.   Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/14

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Mr John Easson           (per Capt Farr)           Tower of London 26 May 1756
          The present serves to acquaint You that I
have taken into partnership with me Mr Benjamin Booth
having already had nine years Experience of his Fide -
lity in transacting the Business of my Accompting house.
the addition he brings with him to my present Capital
will be of great service to our Circulation these Difficult
times. Doubt not Your approbation thereof especially as
he is well acquainted with all my transactions in busi -
ness & nature of Carrying it on, so that there will
be no alteration therein than barely that of adding
his Name to mine; & You may depend that all your
orders shall be punctually executed by myself & him
as heretofore by myself alone, I therefore hope for the
Continuance of Your favours.
            As soon soon as my books are settled shall fur -
nish You with Your Accounts Depending with me &
transfer the Balance into the Books of my new
partnership of Lane & Booth, I shall then write You
the further needfull & with thanks for all favours
remain with respect
          Your most Humble Servant
          Thomas Lane

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