Nova Scotia Archives

Woolford's Surveys: The Roads from Halifax to Windsor and Truro, 1817-18

Sheet 6: Mile 23 to Mile 27: Sackville and Mount Uniacke

Miles 23-27 passed Lunn's Inn, operated by John and Sarah Lunn; McDonald's farm; and Pence's Farm, the property of Jacob Pentz and sometimes known as Pentz's Tavern. The large estate of Attorney General Richard John Uniacke is identified between miles 26-27. In February 1817, Lord Dalhousie described Mount Uniacke as "...the only Gentleman's seat on the road, finished last year, has a very comfortable neat appearance but tho' called is not a Mount, but situated in a bottom between two very pretty and extensive lakes, surrounded with wood, Pine and hard." The Governor again visited Mount Uniacke in late May and wrote that Uniacke had cleared 100 acres of woods, planted potatoes in hills, and sowed oats with grass seed.

Date: 1817-18

Draughtsman: John Elliott Woolford

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Map Collection: 15.1

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