Nova Scotia Archives

Woolford's Surveys: The Roads from Halifax to Windsor and Truro, 1817-18

Sheet 7: Mile 28 to Mile 32: Cameron's Lake to Ardoise Hill

Woolford identifies the properties of Lawrence, Mr. Major, Mr. Morris and Thompson. There was only one inn, Thompson's, between miles 28 and 32. Present-day Cameron's Lake appears as Hutchinson's Lake. Lord Dalhousie concluded in February 1817 that "There are some very pretty spots & lakes which in summer must be beautiful...." Mr. Morris (Charles Morris III, Surveyor-General of Nova Scotia) also had property in this area, on which "a small hut and a barn" had been erected. Ardoise Hill is identified as 'Ardice' Hill, although it is really Willow Hill. The Governor noted in his journal that Ardoise hill was really a ridge of high land rather than an actual hill.

Date: 1817-18

Draughtsman: John Elliott Woolford

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Map Collection: 15.1

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