Nova Scotia Archives

The Royal Engineers in Halifax

York Redoubt

Piers note: No. 290. York Redoubt: Interior of South End; showing inside (Northeast) facade of South Caponier (note door marked "South Caponier, Barrack Room, 2 n.c.o. & 25 men", and left door marked "Cook House"), with high loopholed Wall over it and on each side; the South Gate in left (East) wing of the wall. To extreme right is end of loopholed West Wall with its banquette-slope, and shells piled in front; and to extreme left is entrance to emplacement of number 1 9-inch R.M.L. Gun of the Battery. About 1881. Looking South-southwest from front of Expense Shell Store between numbers 2 and 3 Guns (opposite to Wall). Height of high wall, 21', and apparently only about 2'3" thick; loopholes, 3' from centre to centre; caponier about 45' wide; apparent height of caponier 12½ feet; width of gate 11.

Date.: ca. 1881

Reference: Royal Engineers Nova Scotia Archives number 7000 (Piers 290) / negative N-8260

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