Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Library Holdings

Intended to complement and provide context for the archival holdings at Nova Scotia Archives, the Library includes many unique and rare titles and in its scope and content, covers all aspects of Nova Scotia history. Nearly 300 titles relate directly to the Mi'kmaq, and have been entered into a special Library Database created for the Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide.

451 to 500 of 2158 items selected from the Nova Scotia Archives Library

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Commissioner of Public Records — Itemized account of G.H. and William Leslie for supplies to the Mi'kmaq at Spry Harbour. Also includes letter in support of the Leslie account testifying to the weakened condition of the Mi'kmaq even after the epidemic passed and that only two men were left alive.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 117

Commissioner of Public Records — Account of Dr. Henry G. Farish of Liverpool for medical attendances on Mary Cobliel, with statement of support and petition to the House of Assembly for remuneration.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 118

Commissioner of Public Records — Report on the petition of Murdoch McLennan, Donald Nicholson, Roderick McLennan and Quarrie McQuarrie by Samuel Fairbanks, Commissioner of Crown Lands, regarding trespasses on Wagmatcook. Includes petition.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 119

Commissioner of Public Records — Memorial of Dr. Samuel G.A. McKeen, Victoria County, to the Executive Council regarding services rendered to Mi'kmaq in Victoria and neighbouring counties. Account of McKeen.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 120

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of James Paul, Mi'kmaq Chief, and others, to the House of Assembly requesting aid for the Mi'kmaq to build a schoolhouse at Shubenacadie. Partially certified by Rev. John M. MacLeod.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 121

Commissioner of Public Records — Account of Dr. William Pearson of Musquodoboit for services rendered to Mi'kmaq. Letter of chearnely authorizing attendance upon Mi'kmaq at Spry Bay suffering from small pox. Account of William Hall of supplies given to the Mi'kmaq. Account of Thomas Hanley regarding attendance on the Mi'kmaq at Spry Harbour sick with small pox. Account of Francis Hawse for digging graves and burying eight Mi'kmaq. Account of George Grant for nine Mi'kmaq who died of small pox. Account of G.H. and William Leslie for provisions to Mi'kmaq at Spry Harbour. Letter in support of Leslies. Letter from Chearnley to Howe regarding vaccinations.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 122

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Chearnley to Provincial Secretary reporting expenditures of the Department of Indian Affairs for 1860.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 123

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Chearnley to Provincial Secretary reporting expenditures of the Department of Indian Affairs for 1860.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 124

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from George Murray M.D. of New Glasgow to Capt. George MacKenzie reporting services rendered to Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 125

Commissioner of Public Records — Account of Dr. S.G.A. McKeen, Victoria County, Cape Breton, for medical services rendered to the Mi'kmaq. Letter of James Hill, Newport, to Joseph Howe enclosing a petition from Joe Cope requesting aid for his people. Letter from Joe Cope to the Provincial Secretary thanking him for the aid sent to his people.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 126

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of Joe Cope and his people to the House of Assembly requesting relief.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 127

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Chearnely regarding a visit to Mi'kmaq women who were requesting government assistance to properly bury the late Chief Francis Paul who died 18 May 1861 in Dartmouth. They wish his remains to be shipped by rail to Shubenacadie free of charge.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 128

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Charles J. Gossip MD to the Provincial Secretary regarding the "Indian remedy" for small pox laid before the society by Dr. Morris.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 129

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from James Sparling to William Ross regarding white encroachers on Mi'kmaq land at Wagmatcook. Asks government to do something.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 130

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from William Ross to Joseph Howe regarding white encroachers on Mi'kmaq lands at Wagmatcook. Command of the Lt. Gov. that the provincial government guarentee payment for any quantity of second-hand soldiers' great coats required by Chearnley for the Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1861) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 131

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Chearnley regarding great coats forwarded to Pictou for the Mi'kmaq. Letter from Chearnley regarding a letter he received from Rev. McLean of Pictou. Other unordered pages of letters regarding the Mi'kmaq of Pictou.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1862) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 132

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Rev. McLean to the Provincial Secretary regarding the supply of blankets for Mi'kmaq in Pictou. List of Mi'kmaq families in Pictou and Merigomish.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 133

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Samuel Fairbanks, Commissioner of Crown Lands, to Provincial Secretary regarding Mi'kmaq Reserves in Cape Breton, particularly Middle River. List of settlers at Middle River. Prices fixed by Committee of the House (showing valuation of land). List of settlers on Mi'kmaq lands at Whycocomagh who have agreed to pay the price mentioned. List of settlers on the east side of Middle River.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1862) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 134

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Chearnley to the Provincial Secretary regarding the report for the Lt. Gov. on expenditures of the Department of Indian Affairs, monies lent to Joseph Baptiste of Pomquet to allow him to build a house for his family, agriculture among the Mi'kmaq and the harassment of Mi'kmaq by whites on reserved land in Lunenburg.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 134 1/2

Commissioner of Public Records — Circular of the Provincial Secretary's Office on Indian Affairs sent to members of the House regarding the management of Indian Affairs in NS. Notes that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs has resigned and no successor will be appointed. Instead, funds voted for the Mi'kmaq will be given to members to spend in their districts on a pro-rata basis.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1862) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 135

Commissioner of Public Records — Circular letter from the Provincal Secretary to the members of the House of Assembly regarding great coats and blankets ordered by Chearnley before his resignation; they will be placed at the disposal of county reps. Letter from McKinnon of Antigonish regarding Antigonish Mi'kmaq requests for seed potatoes. Letter from Chearnley to Keating regarding money for seed potatoes from the Indian Grant; ends with Chearnley's resignation as Commissioner. Letter from Chearnley to Provincial Secretary regarding his resignation. Letter from Francis Tommie, Chief of Eskasoni, to Jodge Dodd of Sydney, for assistance to purchase seed potatoes and oats. Other notes by Chearnley.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1862) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 136

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from A.G. Archibald of Truro to W.H. Keating regarding a letter Archibald received from Mr. R.P. Grant regarding the commission empowering Mr. G.D.B. Fraser to purchase Mi'kmaq lands at Pictou. These lands, by Committee of the House, were to be bought out of the proceeds of sales of Mi'kmaq lands. Asks Keating to look into the matter. Also includes letter from Keating to Grant regarding Fraser's commission to sell Mi'kmaq lands at Pictou.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1863) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 137

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Henry G. Farish, Liverpool, to the House of Assembly regarding his account for medical attendances on sick Mi'kmaq. Memorandum of services visits and medicines rendered to sick Mi'kmaq of Queens County by the same.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1864) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 138

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Dr. Alexander Lane of Mahone Bay to the House of Assembly regarding payment for medical services provided to Lewis Hammond in 1863. and Dr. J.C. Hooper's account for medical services to Mi'kmaq for 1864-1865.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1865) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 139

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from P.M Holden, Kentville, to Charles Tupper, Provincial Secretary, requesting blankets for 12 large Mi'kmaq families at Aylesford and 12 families around Kentville and Dalhousie. Accoutn of Levi W. Eaton for clothing supplied to Peter Bass. Account of the Overseers of the Poor for the care of Nevill, Mary Ann and Ann Sarah Penall. Account of a doctor for medical care for Newel child on Black River Mountain. Other accounts mentioning John Peter, two Mi'kmaq women in District 10, and Mi'kmaq in Clare.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1865) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 140

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of Dr. Lewis S. Murray of Upper Musquodoboit to the House of Assembly seeking payment for medical services rendered to John Cope, 12 miles from Murray's home.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1864) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 141

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Louis Joe of St. Peter's, Cape Breton, on behalf of other Mi'kmaq, to Richard G. McDonnell requesting a response to petition forwarded to him on 10 Jan. 1865. handwritten note signed by RSMD noting signor was in favour of petition for sewer; council was not; leaves correspondence to Provincial Secretary. Handwritten note by Tupper, Prov. Sec., requesting to see original petition. Petition attached, requesting a seine 100 fathoms long for forty-two families. Note on back shows Lt. Gov. in favour; Executive could not grant seine.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1865) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 142

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Samuel Fairbanks, Indian Commissioner, to the Provincial Secretary regarding disbursement of funds granted by the House for Mi'kmaq relief.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1865) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 143

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from James Lang of River John complaining that the government has not lived up to its promises to protect and preserve thousands of acres granted to the Mi'kmaq as reserves in 1859.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1866) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 144

Commissioner of Public Records — Map of lands on S.W. branch of the Marguerite River [Margaree?] reserved for Mi'kmaqMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 145

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Joseph Howe to Lord FalklandMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1841) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 1-7

Commissioner of Public Records — Copy of an Act to provide for the instruction and permanent settlement of the Mi'kmaqMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 9

Commissioner of Public Records — Copy of the Commission of Joseph Howe as Commissioner of Indian Affairs by Falkland, Lt. Gov.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 11-12

Commissioner of Public Records — Instruction to the Commissioner of Indian AffairsMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 13-15

Commissioner of Public Records — Documents furnished to Howe upon appointment as Commissioner of Indian AffairsMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 17-25

Commissioner of Public Records — Report of Charles Morris, Surveyor General, regarding Mi'kmaq reservations in NS countiesMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1820) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 26-40

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Deputy Surveyor Alexander Thompson of Antigonish to J.S. Morris, Surveyor General, regarding the Pomquet reserveMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 41-45

Commissioner of Public Records — Report from Titus Smith to the Surveyor General reporting on the Indian Point Reserve near ChesterMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 47-49

Commissioner of Public Records — Report [likely by Joseph Howe] regarding Indian Point lands claimed by Chief Francis Paul and Peter Thomas through their wivesMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 50-52

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Joseph Howe to James Smith, Chester, regarding Smith's claim to valid title to land at Indian PointMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 53

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from John Spry Morris to Joseph Howe regarding white encroachment on Mi'kmaq land at Indian Point, Lunenburg CountyMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 54-55

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from James Smith to Joseph Howe regarding Mi'kmaq land at Indian Point and Smith's claim theretoMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 55

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Joseph Howe to Tobias Cook of Chester regarding Cook's title to Mi'kmaq land at Indian PointMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1843) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 56

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Howe to James Davison of Pictou requesting Devison's assistance in putting up permanent settlement of Mi'kmaq at PictouMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 57-58

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Howe to Andrew Henderson regarding the petition of Charles Gloade on behalf of Annapolis Mi'kmaq and Henderson's personal knowledge of information contained in the petitionMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 58-59

Commissioner of Public Records — Report on the reserve at Ingrams RiverMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 60-62

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Howe to Titus Smith requesting that he survey the Ingram River reserveMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 62

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Joseph Howe to Morris regarding plans of ten reserves mentioned in Charles Morris' report of 1820Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 63

Commissioner of Public Records — Report of Joseph Howe regarding the reserve at Indian BrookMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 64-69

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Howe to William Faulkner requesting Faulkner to lay off the Shubenacadie reserve in 100 acre farm lots and to forward the plan of the same to HoweMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 432 pp. 69-70a

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Please note: The Journals of the House of Assembly Mi'kmaq Index is not included in the Guide's Searchable database — view index from Journals of the House of Assembly here


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