Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Library Holdings

Intended to complement and provide context for the archival holdings at Nova Scotia Archives, the Library includes many unique and rare titles and in its scope and content, covers all aspects of Nova Scotia history. Nearly 300 titles relate directly to the Mi'kmaq, and have been entered into a special Library Database created for the Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide.

301 to 350 of 2158 items selected from the Nova Scotia Archives Library

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Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from T. Crawley to William Hill enclosing returns of survey and observation with reference to the Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1830) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 174

Commissioner of Public Records — Poor quality negative copy of a letter from Rev. Chas. Ingleson of Sydney, Cape Breton, regarding the necessity of providing clothing etc. for the Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1830) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 175

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Rev. E.W. Morris to Lt. Gov. Maitland regarding the condition of several Mi'kmaq families living near Rawdon. Also encloses a petition from Louis Benjamin Paul Pominout requesting relief for the 200 Mi'kmaq encamped at Winsdor, Newport, Kennetcook and Rawdon, for whom he is Chief. Noted that the petition was answered.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1831) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 176

Commissioner of Public Records — Abbe Sigogne to Sir Rupert George requesting relief for the Mi'kmaq under his care. Notes that at this season, few Mi'kmaq are in Clare but are spread throughout Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth and Argyle.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1831) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 177

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Thomas Crawley to Sir R. George regarding the surveying of Mi'kmaq reserves in Cape Breton to allow the Mi'kmaq to better preserve and defend their lands.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1831) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 178

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Abbe Sigogne to Sir George stating that as he did not receive a reply to his last letter, he has delayed acknowledging the receipt of blankets and great coats for Mi'kmaq relief, until now.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1831) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 179

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from P. Wiswall to Rupert George reporting on the purchase of supplies for the Bear River community in the spring and that the remaining funds may be used to purchase items of common convenience in the fall. Notes that he and Abbe Sigogne will dedicate the new chapel on the reserve.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1831) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 180

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Thomas Crawley to Rupert George regarding surveys completed of Mi'kmaq lands in Cape Breton.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1832) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 181

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Thomas Crawley to Rupert George enclosing an account of McNab for surveys of Wagamatcook and Whycocomagh.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1832) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 182

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Thomas Crawley to George transmitting a description and plot of the land reserved at Whycocomagh for the Mi'kmaq and accounts of surveyors for work done.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1833) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 183

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Crawley to George regarding surveys of roads and accounts of deputy surveyors.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1833) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 184

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Crawley to George regarding his hope to soon complete all the 4 of survey for Mi'kmaq in Cape Breton. He notes that there appears to be some difference in the amount of land to be laid out at what is now the Chapel Island reserve. Families there are starving.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1833) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 185

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from J. Cowling reporting on the expenditure on the five pounds forwarded ro him to be spent on Mi'kmaq relief. He distributed tickets, redeemable from merchantds for potatoes, to various Mi'kmaq. Dated Annapolis.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 186

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter to George reporting that he has met with the Mi'kmaq of Pictou who have advised that they are anxious to make a permanent settlement at Boat Harbour, now owned by a Thomas Mudie of Pictou. Tract consists of 500 acres and Mi'kmaq want 100 acres on the eastern side of his tract.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1831) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 186a

Commissioner of Public Records — Faint letter from George Smith to George regarding the purchase of land for the Mi'kmaq at Pictou. Refers to RG 1 vol. 430 no. 186a.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1831) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 186b

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter to George reporting on the condition of the Mi'kmaq in Pictou and the sending of a letter by Apsein. Inquires again about obtaining 100a for Mi'kmaq at the mouth of the Harbour as was discussed some years back. May refer to Boat Harbour and RG 1 vol. 430 nos. 186, a and b.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 186c

Commissioner of Public Records — Faint letter to Thomas W. James, Secretary's Office, requesting relief for the Mi'kmaq of the area (dated Lunenburg, 1837). Also includes petition of Francis Toney on behalf of Mi'kmaq residing in the eastern part of the township of Rawdon seeking relief (dated 1837). Followed by a note dated "Thursday" from the son of Lt. Gov. Colin Campbell to Sir Rupert George stating "My father desired me to send down the Indian with the petition to you." Also includes testimonial from M. Withrow, J.P., certifying the Toney petition. Includes backer to petition with notes about relief distributed as a result of petition.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1837) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 186d and e

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from L.M. Wilkins to James acknowledging reciept of blankets, great coats and rugs for relief of the Mi'kmaq. Dated Windsor.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1838) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 186f

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of Francis Paul, Peter Tom, Michael Tom and Edward Nowlins for relief for themselves and their families. Includes backer with note asking Thomas James to attend to petition. Dated at Douglas, Kennetcook.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1838) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 186g

Commissioner of Public Records — Report of the Committee "to whom the petition of certain persons trespassers upon the lands reserved for the Indians at Wagamatook [sic] in the county of ca pe Breton together with a variety of other papers connected with the subject." Dated at Halifax.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1838) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 187

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of Charles Gloade, Annapolis, for a grant of 200a promised to him some years since by James Kempt upon which he has settled amd made improvements. Includes testimonials and note from the Commissioner of Crown Lands, John Spry Morris, stating he is afraid that if Gloade is given a free grant, that an 'unscrupulous' white person will take his land from him. Backer includes note that the Provincial Secretary approved Gloade a free grant of land.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1840) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 188

Commissioner of Public Records — Abstract of fees Attourney-General, Clerk of the Crown, and Sheriff on "intrusion causes" for the last three years. First of the ten cases listed fall under "Intrusions on Indian reserves in Cape Breton." Dated Halifax.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1840) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 189

Commissioner of Public Records — Map of trespassers on the Malagawatch reserveMi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 190

Commissioner of Public Records — Page from a letter book of Indian Affairs. The first letter is from William MacKay, Acting Commissioner of Crown Lands and Surveyor-General to Crawley requesting a correct plan of all lands reserved for Mi'kmaq in Cape Breton. The second letter is from John Whidden to MacKay directing him to give Joseph Howe's copies of lands reserved for Mi'kmaq in Cape Breton.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1843) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 189 1/2

Commissioner of Public Records — Report on Indians Affairs by Joseph Howe, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Dated Halifax.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1843) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 191

Commissioner of Public Records — Direction to the Provincial Treasurer to pay thirty pounds to Bishop Fraser for the relief of Mi'kmaq in Sydney County. Payment received acknowledged.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1848) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 192

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from J. Howe to J.S. Morris regarding an advance [?]. Difficult to read.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1848) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 193

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Alex. Campbell, Deputy Surveyor, to John S. Morris reporting that he has inspected the Mi'kmaq lands in Sydney County and found no cases od tresspasses except for some wood cut. Discusses the timber cutting and sawmill being erected on the land of Peter Batiste. Dated Antigonish.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1848) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 194

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Howe to J.S. Morris regarding the laying off of 500 acres for Francis and Jasper Paul on land on which they have made improvements at the head of Ship Harbour Lake. Also directs Morris to tell his deputies to warn trespassers off Mi'kmaq lands. Dated Halifax.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1849) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 195

Commissioner of Public Records — Account for laying out five lots of 100 acres each as Mi'kmaq land at Ship Harbour Lake and inspection of Mi'kmaq lands at Pomquet in 1848.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1849) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 195 1/2

Commissioner of Public Records — Handwritten notes, possibly of Joseph Howe, regerding relief in the 18th century. Notes may be taken from Executive Council minutes.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 196

Commissioner of Public Records — Account of Benjamin Cossit for laying out Mi'kmaq lands at EskasoniMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1832) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 1

Commissioner of Public Records — Account of D.B. McNab, Deputy Surveyor, for laying out land at Chapel IslandMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1833) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 2

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Thomas Crawley to Sir Rupert George regarding the survey of Chapel Island and activities of settlers in Wagmatcook. Sworn to 16 Jan 1833.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1833) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 3

Commissioner of Public Records — Account regarding survey of MalagawatchMi'kmaq and Government Relations (1833) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 4

Commissioner of Public Records — Disbursements on account of Mi'kmaq in 1843 and 1835 out of the 1834 grant. Includes payment to Mr. Fulton of £2.13 for blankets for Mi'kmaq in Stewiacke.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 5

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Crawley to George regarding the last tracts of Mi'kmaq land ordered to be surveyed. Identified only as "Island."Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 6

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter form Crawley to George regarding plans and descriptions of Chapel Island and Malagawatch. The only Mi'kmaq settlement left to survey is on the Marguerite River [i.e. as of 11 Aug 1833]. Includes receipt from D.B. McNab for payment received for surveys of Wagmatcook and Whycocomagh and a ledger pf payments disbursed for surveys of Mi'kmaq lands in Cape Breton.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1833) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 7

Commissioner of Public Records — Account rendered by C. Roche of goods purchased for Indian Affairs for Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 8

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of Peter Paul et al to Lt. Gov. John Campbell requesting assistance for starving Mi'kmaq living near Windsor.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 9

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from C. R. Leonard to Rupert George acknowledging the receipt of money and goods for the Mi'kmaq of Cape Breton.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 10

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from Campbell to McCaskill to George acknowledging receipt of 25 bbl.s of Indfian meal and rye flour for alleviation of distress in the Mi'kmaq settlement of Whycocomagh.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 11

Commissioner of Public Records — Receipt from D.B. McNab for payment received from Crawley for survey completed of Chapel Island Reserve. Also includes several other receipts for payment for goods.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1834) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 12

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from James Flemming to George requesting relief for approximately 100 Mi'kmaq who fled from Dartmouth, Shubenacadie Grand Lake to Londonderry to escape sickness in Halifax. The Mi'kmaq are left destitute.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 13

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from McLeod, Arasaig to Lt. Gov. Campbell regarding relief for Mi'kmaq. Includes requests from Merigomish and Pictou.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 14

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from S. Cowling to Sir R. George acknowledging receipt of money for purchase of seed for the Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 15

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of Malti Gloade to Lt. Gov. Sir Colin campbell requesting relief for no less than twenty Mi'kmaq in Liverpool area.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 16

Commissioner of Public Records — Petition of Charles Gloade, Chief of Mi'kmaq in the western part of the province, to Lt. Gov. Campbell, requesting money for purchase of seed potatoes for Mi'kmaq settled on land on Annapolis-Liverpool Road. Received in Halifax.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 17

Commissioner of Public Records — Notes and receipts from Peter Toney acknowledging receipt from Mr. Duncan of five pounds. Notes are regarding the delivery of blankets to various places.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 18

Commissioner of Public Records — Letter from James Shrewe to Thomas W. James regarding monies for relief of settlers at Sherbrooke.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1835) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 431 number 19

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Please note: The Journals of the House of Assembly Mi'kmaq Index is not included in the Guide's Searchable database — view index from Journals of the House of Assembly here


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