note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
(4) there is no white Person in these settlements who understands the Indin Language
(5) the Indins of these Settlements Resort to the Priest of Prince Edwards Island for Confession & absolution once Every summer in about the munth of Jun
(6) there is no Lands ungranted in these Settlements but there is Large tracts of Lands Lying weast [waste] for want of improvement
there is land to be sold in the River John at a reasonable reate [rate], and for to be Leased for nine hundred & ninety years in Tatmagouch- frunting[fronting] [?this] harbour
(7) These Lands & the Neighourhood afford materiels for Staves Hoops Shingles Clapbord, Oar Rafters Hand spiks & Laths these articles could all be sent to Halifax were the Indins to manufacture them
(8) there is great Quantitys of Herrings in these Harbours in the spring of the year- One herring net of about fifteen fathoms Long is suficent [sufficient] for five or six famileys about the first of Jun the Codfish is verry Plenty and by the twelfth the Rivers is full of [ Gaspheroues?]
(9) Potatoes can be purchased at the season of gathering them for Eighteen Pence Per bushell
(10) Small huts for About £6 can be built
(11) the Price of Clearing an acre of Land Depends Chiefly upon what sort of timber grows upon it from £2 =10 to £4- - 10 is what I have Payd my self
(12) Wool flax & Wheels Can be Procured hear for the Indin women & Persons can be had to instruct them in Spinning & knitting
(13) the Indins are not willing to Place some of there Children in the families of the neighbouring Settlers on acount of there Religion- yet the Settlers for small premiums would Receive and instruct them.
Mentions names of heads of families and gives character descriptions and additional information.
Date: 1801
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 70
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.