Nova Scotia Archives

Les familles Easson et Hoyt

Deux cents ans de vie familiale et communautaire en Nouvelle-Écosse

Copie d’une lettre de John Easson à Francis Johannot

Concerning Easson's unsettled account and the deaths of Major Phillips and Daniel Dyson. Account was sent to Halifax for attornies to settle. Easson offers £100 in full settlement.  8 July 1766.  2 pages : 30 x 49 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/66

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          Annap : Royal 8th July 1766
Mr Johonnot
not owing to any want of my good intentions that our acco[unt] remain yet unsettled.
as they both Died much in Dept [debt] & I was unfortunatly too much concerned with them.
were any thing in your Dept [debt] but as I was always willing to pay every person what
is justly due as farr as I am able. I sent Your Acct to Halifax, there to be settled by my attor'y.
& he accordingly met Mr Harris (your attor'y) who produced two acc'ts from you (properly
attested in the year 1763) neither of which I had ever seen, upon which nothing could
be done by Attorney till I had seen & examined them. they are now before me & I think
liable to many objections on a thoro' examination. But as an opportunity
now offers for Boston & as I have already had too much trouble with these
things, I now Sir tell you that I will pay you One hundred Pounds lawful
Money of NE for which I expect your receipt in full of all Acc't as will on my
Own proper acc't as for the partnership lately subsisting between Major Philipps,
D Dyson & myself. This is a much larger Sum than I am Advised to Pay, but as
I have reason to believe you will be well pleased to get it witout giving your
self or me any more trouble. I have thought proper to make you this offer before
any Lawyers are feed and I shall impatiently expect your Answer by the first
opportunity being very well inclined to be your
          friend & well wisher
To Mr Francis Johonnot

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