Nova Scotia Archives

Voices of the People

Nova Scotia House of Assembly Petitions and Correspondence

Results 46 to 60 of 1733 from your search: RG 5 Series P

26 February 1819

Petition of the members of the new 'Relief' Presbyterian congregation at Halifax, concerning the right of dissending ministers to perform marriages.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 47

27 February 1819

Petition of William Patterson and others, Halifax firemen, seeking exemption from the militia act.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 48

27 February 1819

Petition of John Moody and Joseph P. Boyle, Halifax auctioneers jailed for debts.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 49

27 February 1819

Petition of Samuel Head and other Halifax doctors requesting a law to regulate the Medical profession.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 50


Petition from the residents of Halifax concerning the state of the medical profession.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 51

1 March 1819

Petition from the residents of Falmouth requesting a bill to regulate the Falmouth Common.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 52

11 March 1819

Petition of John F. Hughes, a candidate tin the disputed Digby election.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 53

11 March 1819

Mr. Archibalds' motion to the House of Assembly concerning the disputed digby elelction.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 54

17 March 1819

Petition of Phineas Milledge and other residents of Annapolis County concerning the law for insolvent debtors.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 55

22 March 1819

Petition of Major Barrows, 15th Reg't. of Foot, Halifax, concerning the debts of Moody and Boyle, auctioneers.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 56

24 March 1819

Petiton of John F. Hughes, a candidate in the disputed Digby elelction.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 57

5 May 1819

Concerning fees to be paid by those petitioning concerning the Digby election.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 58

Petition from the freeholders of Cape Breton Island protesting recent elections.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 59

10 February 1820

Petition of Jonathan Woodbury and others, Wilmot Township, concerning the provision of sending a representative to the House of Assembly once a township had 50 or more families.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 60

14 February 1820

Petition to the House of Assembly from residents of St. Mary's , Sydney County, concerning changes in the boundaries.

Reference: Nova Scotia House of Assembly Nova Scotia Archives RG 5 Series P volume 1 number 61

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