Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaw Teaching and Learning Resources

Names of Mi'kmaq "belonging to" Kings County and supplies given to them in 1800.
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Names of Indians belonging to Kings County and
supplies Given to them in 1800, & 1801.
Frances Nicholas Widow -- 99 2 3/4 yds. Blue Cloth 9/6 --------------------- 1.5.6
2 [?lb] Powder ---------------------------------------- . 9 -
Carolina Widow of John } 68 2 yds. red Flannel [illegible] thread & [Tobacco] 3/. 9 -
Bobbin , or Bateast 4 Bushels Potatoes ---------------------------- 8 .
Peter Do. } his sons ------ 28 [1/2] Bushel Salt ------------------------ 3 : 9.
Paul Do. } --------- 19

Malaan [Algomatin] wife } 27
of Peter B. or Bateast }
1 Daughter 3

Joseph Solomon 14

Joseph Philip ------------------- 43 3 1/2 yards Strong Linnen ---------------- 10 . 6.
Molly Algomatin his wife --- 40 Tobacco ------------------------------------------ 2
Joseph } ----------------------- 18 [?Maugeson] Hide --------------------------------- 4 . 6
Sally } ----------------------- 16 1 Ax 7/6 Hoe 4/. 2 B. Potatoes 4/ - 15 . 6 -
Hannah } 5 children 14 1/2 Bush. Salt 3/9 4 B. Potatoes 8/ 11.9
Peter } ----------------------- 4
Mal Joseph F } ------------- 2

Magdalen Algomatin wife } 63 2 yards Blue Cloth --------------------------------------- 19 -
of Peter Algomatin who died here } 3 yards [Baize] 7/6 Thread 8p -------------- 8. 2
Samuel Algomatin } 19 1/4 Bushel Salt 1/10 Hoe 4/ ------------------- 5 . 14 1/2
Molly Algomatin } 2 children 15 3 Bush. Potatoes 6/. Tobacco [illegible ] & Powder 6/8 12 . 6
3yds of white Flannel 8/9 Knifes Tobacco & Thread 3/6 .12 3
Bartholomew [?Amquarret] -------- 64
Molly Sally his wife ------------------- 43 5. Bush Potatoes --------------------------------------- 10
Lewis } -------------------------- 13 2 [illegible] Tobacco 2/. pair Stockings 4/. ------ 6
Andrew } 3 children ---------- 18 Linnen & Flannel; for shirts & Shifts ---- 17 . [illegible]
Susannah } -------------------------- 2 27yrds red Flannel 7/6 3 yards Linnen 4/8 --- 12 -
2 [illegible] Sugar 2/. 1 peck Salt 1/10 ----------- 3 .. 10
paid for Fishing Netts --------------------------- 10 -
4 Bushel Potatoes -------------------------- 8 -
Cloud Antoni ----------------------------- 20 ---------------------
[?Atevite] Antoni ---------------------- 9 Carried over 11 . 3 . 8
Mary [son] Antonie -------------------- 15

Carried over

Mentions many names, relationships among those Mi'kmaq named, and amounts of supplies received.

Date: 1800

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 77

Questions to Consider

  • When do you think the document was written?

  • Who do you think wrote the document?

  • Why do you think the document was written

  • Who do you think received the document?

  • Who do you think this document was written for?

  • What information do you think this document provides? What do you think it tells us about the past?

  • How do you think the document reflects the attitudes and values of the time period in which it was written?

  • What impact do you think the document had at the time it was written?

    • Do you think those were different impacts for different people?

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