Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaw Teaching and Learning Resources

True copy of the 1754 Penobscot Ratification of the Treaty of 1725
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

We the subscribers being the Chief Men of the Penobscot Tribe having heard the Submission and agreement of the Eastern Indians viz [?] the Penobscots, St. Johns, Cape Sables, and other Tribes, Inhabiting within his majesty's Territories of New England and Nova Scotia, who were engag'd in the War in the Years 1723, and 1724, which was made and concluded at Boston the fifteenth day of December 1725 between the Honourable William Dummer Esq. then Lieutenant Governor and Commander in chief in and over the Province of the Mafsachusetts [Massachusetts] bay, and John Wentworth Esq. Lieutenant Governour and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Hampshire, and Paul Mascarene Esq. appointed by Laurence Armstrong Esq. Lieut. Governour and Commander in Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia or Accadia of the one part, and the aforesaid Eastern Indians of the other part Also the Submifsion [Submission] and agreement of the Eastern Indians viz the Penobscots, Norridguralks Arfsigunticooks and Weeweenocks made and concluded at Falmouth in Casco [?] Bay on the sixteenth day of October 1749 between Thomas Hutchinson, John Choak (Choate), Israel Williams and James Otis Esqrs Commissioners appointed by the Honble [Honorable] Spencer Phips Esq Lieutenant Governour & Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts bay aforesaid , and Theodore Atkinson and John Donning Esq Commissioners appointed by his Excellency Benning Wentworth Esq Governour and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Province of New Hampshire of the one part , and the aforesaid Eastern Indians of the other part; distinctly and deliberately read over and Interpreted to us Do by these presents in a publick [public] and solemn manner, as well for our selves as for all the rest of our Tribe.

Date: 1754

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 7 (O/S number 525)

Questions to Consider

  • When do you think the document was written?

  • Who do you think wrote the document?

  • Why do you think the document was written

  • Who do you think received the document?

  • Who do you think this document was written for?

  • What information do you think this document provides? What do you think it tells us about the past?

  • How do you think the document reflects the attitudes and values of the time period in which it was written?

  • What impact do you think the document had at the time it was written?

    • Do you think those were different impacts for different people?

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