Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaw Teaching and Learning Resources

Copy of "Treaty of Peace and Friendship" between Jonathon Belcher and Francis Muis
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apply for redress according to the laws established in his said Majesty's dominions.

That all English prisoners made by myself or my Tribe shall be set at liberty, and that we will use our utmost endeavours to prevail on the other Tribes to do the same if any prisoners shall happen to be in their hands.

And I do further promise for myself and my tribe, that we will not either directly nor indirectly assist any of the enemies of His most sacred Majesty King George the third, his Heirs or successors, nor hold any manner of commerce, Traffick, nor intercourse with them; but on the contrary but on the contrary, will as much as may be in our power discover and make known to His Majesty's Governor, any ill designs which may be formed or contrived against His Majesty''s subjects. And I do further [engage] that we will not Traffick, Barter, or exchange any commodities in any manner. but with such persons, or the Managers of such [Truckhouses] as shall be appointed or established by His Majesty's governor at Lunenbourg or elsewhere in Nova Scotia or Acadia.

And for the more effectual security of the due performance of this treaty of every part thereof I do promise and engage that a certain number of persons of my Tribe, which shall not be less in number that Two persons, shall on or before the first day of January 1762 reside as Hostages at Lunenbourg or at such other place or places in this Province of Nova-Scotia or Acadia as shall be appointed for that purpose by His Majesty's Governor of said Province, which Hostages shall be exchanged for a like number of my Tribe when requested.

And all these foregoing Articles and every one of them made with the Honorable Jonathan Belcher Esquire President of His Majesty's Council and commander in chief in and over His Majesty's Province of Nova-Scotia or Acadie, I do promise for myself and in behalf of my Tribe, that we will most strictly keep and observe in

Date: 1761

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 20a

Questions to Consider

  • When do you think the document was written?

  • Who do you think wrote the document?

  • Why do you think the document was written

  • Who do you think received the document?

  • Who do you think this document was written for?

  • What information do you think this document provides? What do you think it tells us about the past?

  • How do you think the document reflects the attitudes and values of the time period in which it was written?

  • What impact do you think the document had at the time it was written?

    • Do you think those were different impacts for different people?

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