Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: No. V - Hon. Honore Mercier, M.PP., Leader of the Oppositon, Quebec Legislature
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: No. VI. - Hon. John Norquay, M.PP., Premier of Manitoba
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: No. VIII. - Hon. T.B. Pardee, Commiossioner of Crown Lands, Ontario
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: No. X. - Mr. Thos. Greenway, M.P.P., Manitoba, Leader of the Opposition (Liberal)
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: No. XI. - Hon. W.S. Fielding, M.P.P., Nova Scotia, Leader of the Government
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Oliver Cromwell
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Oliver Goldsmith
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Oxenstiern & Richelieu
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: paintings and sketches by the grandmother of N. Whitworth White
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Places outside N.S.: Site of Fort Latour, St. John, N.B.
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: places: Mount Washington
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Portfolio of water-colour drawings of animals with scientific data: Forster's Shrew: numbered as 20
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Portfolio of water-colour drawings of animals with scientific data: Hooded seal: numbered as 55
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Portfolio of water-colour drawings of animals with scientific data: North American otter: numbered as 39
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Artwork, Paintings, and Prints: Portfolio of water-colour drawings of animals with scientific data: Short-tailed Shrew: numbered as 18
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
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