This newspaper was published weekly, provided there was sufficient ink and paper, out of S.J.M. Allen's offices in Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Taking as its motto, "The Friend of All, the Slave of None," it began in January 1854 and continued under Allen until 1867 when publication passed to Silas M. Bryden, who changed the journal's name to the Liverpool Advertiser. The Transcript was a "weekly miscellany of literature, art, science, and popular information" and is a representative example of a small town newspaper in the mid-nineteenth century. It included local news (though much was omitted, based on the assumption that everyone already knew what was happening in town) as well as national and international items. Other key features included shipping news, poetry and story sections, wide-ranging advertisements, and even, on occasion, word and logic puzzles.
Issues from 1854 to 1867
Liverpool Transcript
Printed by S.J.M. Allen, Liverpool.
Liverpool Transcript
Printed by S.J.M. Allen, Liverpool.
Liverpool Transcript
Printed by S.J.M. Allen, Liverpool.
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.