Intended to complement and provide context for the archival holdings at Nova Scotia Archives, the Library includes many unique and rare titles and in its scope and content, covers all aspects of Nova Scotia history. Nearly 300 titles relate directly to the Mi'kmaq, and have been entered into a special Library Database created for the Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide.
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Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from McCondachie to Wallace regarding attempts to have the Mi'kmaq at Sheet Harbour plant seed potatoes, expressing doubt that the Mi'kmaq will ready the ground or plant the potatoes.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 115 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from Wentworth to Commissioners for Indian Affairs ordering that Francois Michelle and ten other Mi'kmaq be given twelve dollars, twenty pounds pork, thirty of beef and fifty of biscuits, two guns, flints and powder for their return to New Brunswick.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 116 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Petition and letter from Wentworth to Commissioners of Indian Affairs regarding Mi'kmaq families at Cape Sable that are having their "good dispositions discouraged by several white people who claim the lands." requests having Mi'kmaq lands measured and located, so as to prevent tresspassers who interrupt the Mi'kmaq fishing and planting.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 117 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Receipt for payment received from Wallace for John Brown for Indian Meal.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 118 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from James Sutherland to M. Wallace requesting relief for Mi'kmaq residing in Sheet Harbour.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 119 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Return of Mi'kmaq living at Sheet Harbour in the County of Halifax, 1802.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 120 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Woodin's account of potatoes supplied to Mi'kmaq at [St.] Margaret's Bay.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 121 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Jonathon and John Tremain's account of a hatchet for Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 122 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Receipt signed by P. McCondachie for potatoes supplied to the Mi'kmaq at Sheet Harbour. Payment received from M. Wallace.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 123 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Invoice from Forsyth, Smith & Co. for cloth purchased by M. Wallace for the use of Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 124 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from the Justices in Sessions at Colchester representing the condition of Mi'kmaq in that district. requesting relief for forty Mi'kmaq living in or near Truro.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 125 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from T. Chamberlain to Wentworth recommending the bearer of the letter, the widow of Mi'kmaq Francis Paul, requesting that she be given a little meal and a tin kettle and any other relief thought proper.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 126 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from George Oxley reporting the distress of some Mi'kmaq in the neighbourhood of Ramsheg [perhaps Ram's Head or Ramsey, or a place name no longer in use.] requests relief for letter bearer, Lewis Tony, and other Mi'kmaq named and described.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 127 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from Alexander Waugh to Gov. Wentworth regarding the condition of poor Mi'kmaq around Tatamagouche. Notes that at least one family, that of Francis Wilmot Sr., was formerly from Antigonish. Requests food and clothing.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 128 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Sundries delivered to poor Mi'kmaq by Jonathon Crane at Kings County.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 129 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account of supplies to Mi'kmaq by Mr. Smith of Douglas in 1802 and 1803 by order of Commissioners.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 130 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>George Oxley's account of supplies to Mi'kmaq at Ramsheg in 1802 and March 1803.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 131 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Henry Watkey's account for stocking a gun to Bones, a Mi'kmaq. Paid 4 May 1803.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 132 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account of Hartshorne and Tremain for goods supplied to the Committee for Indians, 1801-1803.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 133-134 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account of Hartshorne and Boggs for gunpowder supplied to the Indian Committee, 1802-1803.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1802) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 135 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account of Tremain and Boggs for blankets supplied to the Commissioners for Indians.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 136 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>John Watts' receipt for five barrels Indian meal sent to Sheet Harbour for the relief of Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 137 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Henry Watkey's account for repairing guns for Joe Glued [Glode?] and C. Knockwood.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 138 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from J. Brenton, M. Wallace, and C. Morris to J. Archibald in response to a letter from the Justices in the Court at Colchester on the subject of the Mi'kmaq in or near Truro. Complaint that the Mi'kmaq who applied for help were not - in their opinions - "of the description contemplated by the Assembly."Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 139 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account of James Archibald of supplies distributed to the Mi'kmaq at Truro.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 140 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account of clothes and supplies to Mi'kmaq at Truro by order of the Commissioners at Halifax.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 141 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Receipt from James Archibald for 15 pounds received on account from M. Wallace as per item at RG 1 vol. 430 no. 141.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1803) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 142 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Circular letter from George H. Monk to various recipients identified by district. Monk requests assistance in answering the command of Lt. Gov. Wentworth to ascertain the number of Mi'kmaq within the province and to form a system for their management. He wants to know the number of male Mi'kmaq aged 16 to 60 within each district, the names and characters of their chiefs, the numbers of aged men, the numbers of women and children, and "stating your Opinion of the Disposition of the Indians, on seeing the Militia imbodied for the defense of the Province." Also wants noted any disaffected parties or strangers among thr Mi'kmaq who may be "Emisaries of the Enemies."Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1807) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 143-144 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Very detailed, informative letter from Monk to G. Prevost advising that a circular letter was sent in October. As a result of this letter, the Province has been divided into 12 districts and a Confidential Correspondent established in each district. Reports on attitude fof Mi'kmaq to hostilities currently underway between Britain and France. Although now less in numbers, a hotile Mi'kmaq presence would harass and distress Nova Scotian inhabitants. Gives suggestions for his idea for a system of management of the Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1808) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 145 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account to Hartshorne and Boggs for sundries supplied to the Mi'kmaq by order of Governor Wentworth.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1808) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 146 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Negative copy of a petition from Lewis Antonea requesting relief for Mi'kmaq, especially several aged widows and those with families of small children near Dartmouth.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1808) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 146 1/2 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Very brief summarized answers to George Monk's circular letter (RG 1 vol. 430 nos. 143 and 144) from Annapoolis, Pictou, Shelburne, Chester, Liverpool, Dorchester, Westmorland and Sissiboo.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1807) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 147 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Account to Hartshorne and Tremain for sundries supplied to the Mi'kmaq by order of John Wentworth.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1807) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 147 1/2 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>An order for clothes for Louis Tony and Peter Maurice, two good men with influence over their fellow Mi'kmaq, including the letter requesting provisions for them and the order to get proper dress for each of the, but "let it be clearly understood that I cannot issue either arms or provisions to them unless their services are actually called for." signed J.C.S.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1812) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 148 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Negative copy of the petition of Daniel Toney on behalf of himself and 17 families of Mi'kmaq. Referred to the Surveyor General and annotated by J.C. S. (John Coape Sherbrooke)Mi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 148 1/3 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Various outstanding accounts of monies stil owed by government, Wentworth, for Indian accounts. Includes a paper with three names, Simon Paul, Francis Labradore, and Andrew Botomy.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1808) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 148 2/3 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from Abbe Segogne to Lt. Gov. Sherbrooke enclosing bill for expenses for relief of Mi'kmaq, 1813-1814. Also requests blankets and release of an old French prisoner named Pierre Clement.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1814) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 149 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>The petition of Sam Paul, John Paul and Joe Bass on behalf of themselves and fourteen other Mi'kmaq families living in the neighbourhood of Halifax. Seems incomplete: lacking signatures.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations () — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 149 1/3 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Very faint petition of Rev. John M. Segoigne in behalf of Pierre Brenard, a Mi'kmaq man praying for a grant of land. Also mentions that Wallace, Uniake and Morris were directed to report upon the claims of Mi'kmaq for land in the province for burying grounds, places of worship, etc., and the expediency of granting lands in trust for Mi'kmaq use.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1813) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 149 2/3 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Surveyor General C. Morris' report regarding request of Mi'kmaq at Shubenacadie for an additional tract of land of 100 acres containing the place of the old Mass House and burying ground on the western side of the Shubenacadie River and which was included in land granted to Col. Hamilton, 1763, and is now owned by another family.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1814) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 150 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Detailed report of the Surveyor General respecting the Mi'kmaq, concluding it inadvisable to grant land to Mi'kmaq in trust or otherwise, except to "merely reserve such situations as they have been in the habit of frequenting or using." Mentions Sigogne.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1815) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 151 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter to Sherbrooke relating that the Bishop in the colony of Quebec intends to tour the province which will extend to Halifax.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1815) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 152 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from Bishop Plessis of Quebec to Sherbrooke regarding the conditions of the Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1815) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 153 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Bishop Plessis of Quebec to Sherbrooke regarding Abbe Sigogne's mission to the Mi'kmaq.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1815) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 154 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from Abbe Sigogne to Sherbrooke enclosing his bill for expenses for relief of the Mi'kmaq and requesting a medal for the chief (unnamed).Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1816) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 154 1/2 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Negative copy of a letter from James Walker respecting the claims of a Mi'kmaq named Philip on lands through which a road passes, asking for compensation for Philip, for the harm the road has done him.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1815) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 155 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Negative copy of a letter from Walker to [unknown] relating his having to alter the course of the road from Chester towards Hammond Plains, the new course of which passes through the potato garden of a Mi'kmaq named Philip.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1815) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 156 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from James Walker to Charles Morris regarding the surveying of a road in Chester and complaining about another surveyor, Mr. Vaughn, who is too easily bribed with liquor. Attached to RG 1 vol. 430 nos. 156-157.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1817) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 156 1/2 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Form letter filled in by Philip Belnar [Bernard?] and Mary Josephine, his wife, of St. Margaret's Bay, regarding a road passing through their land. It claims they have sold over their land to the King for the sum of five pounds. Includes Philip and Mary's "hands and seals." Is worded somewhat like later treaties.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1816) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 157 |
Commissioner of Public Records — %>Letter from Yorke to Hill [?] meant to accompany a petition regarding ungranted land. Mentions Mr. Morris.Mi'kmaq and Government Relations (1817) — Nova Scotia Archives Library RG 1 volume 430 number 157 1/2 |
Please note: The Journals of the House of Assembly Mi'kmaq Index is not included in the Guide's Searchable database — view index from Journals of the House of Assembly here
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