Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Library Holdings

Intended to complement and provide context for the archival holdings at Nova Scotia Archives, the Library includes many unique and rare titles and in its scope and content, covers all aspects of Nova Scotia history. Nearly 300 titles relate directly to the Mi'kmaq, and have been entered into a special Library Database created for the Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide.

801 to 850 of 2158 items selected from the Nova Scotia Archives Library

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Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Report from Clerk of Hants County reporting on Mi'kmaq there. (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 74

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — The petition of Robert McKay and other inhabitants of the County of Pictou praying that a lot of land may be granted to the Mi'kmaq and other relief extended to them. (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 75

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Appendix 6, Legislative Council Journal for 1842. Memorandum respecting the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia read 14 July 1842. (1842) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 76

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Expenditure in the year 1844 under Indian Commission, Sydney, Cape Breton. (1844) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 77

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Vouchers for Francis Paul; receipts by him for money from Joseph Howe. Other names given. (1844) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 78

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Indian Affairs vouchers for 1844 from Joseph Howe. Gorham Paul and Lewis Charles mentioned. (1844) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 79

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Letter from Angus MacDonald to Rt. Rev. Dr. Fraser, Bishop of Halifax, reporting on success of Indian farming in Cape Breton. (1844) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 80

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Petition to Lord Falkland from Joseph Battis, John Battis and Francis Cope for a piece of land adjoining the town at Guysborough. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 81

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Petition of Charles Boggs, Shubenacadie, requesting that the £25-0-0 that he is to expend for the building of a barn for the Mi'kmaq, may now be sent to him. Related correspondence. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 82

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Report on year's activities to help Cape Breton Mi'kmaq from H.W. Crawley to Sir Rupert George. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 83

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Bills and receipts for supplies for Shubenacadie Mi'kmaq in 1845. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 84

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Statement on expenditures on Mi'kmaq in Pictou. Some names mentioned. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 85

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Items of expenditure under the Lieutenant Governor's direction for a grant of £200-0-0 for the relief of Mi'kmaq. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 86

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Appeals for help for Mi'kmaq in Shubenacadie. Replies. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 87

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Statement of expenditures on Mi'kmaq in Pictou. Some names mentioned. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 88

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — John Gloade's petition to the Lieutenant-Governor for land near Annapolis. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 89

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Correspondence relating to the relief of Parrsboro Mi'kmaq. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 90

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Bills and receipts relating to the relief of Cape Breton Mi'kmaq. (1845) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 91

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Petition to Viscount Falkland for blankets and other necessities from Peter Paul on behalf of Mi'kmaq at Gaspereau Lake, Kings County. Some names given. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 92

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Petition of Francis Paul, Mi'kmaq Chief of Shubenacadie, for more assistance. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 93

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — List of Mi'kmaq at Shubenacadie requiring farm help. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 94

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Petition of Gabriel Anthony to Lord Falkland for more blankets and supplies for Annapolis Mi'kmaq. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 95

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Request from Queens County Mi'kmaq for money for potatoes. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 96

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Request from John Heckman for relief for Lunenburg Mi'kmaq. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 97

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Letter from A. Stewart acknowledging receipt of £7-10-0 for relief of Digby Mi'kmaq. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 98

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Correspondence between William Anderson, Pictou Health Officer, and government concerning epidemic among the Mi'kmaq of 'fever.' June to November. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 99

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Report on Bear River Mi'kmaq with economic and health information. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 100

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Accounts of W.B. Taylor and Patrick Power for money spent on assistance to Mi'kmaq. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 101

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Report from Robert Leslie, E. Horton and Alfred Whitman on the effects of 'bilious remittent fever' on the Mi'kmaq of Bear River. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 102

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Petition of Alexander Thomas on behalf of himself and Mi'kmaq residing at Horton and Cornwallis, for blankets and food, with supporting statement from Charles Harris of Horton and Thomas A.S. De Wolf. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 103

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Reports from Dr. Robert Leslie on disease at Bear River with accompanying letter and report of Dr. Bent. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 104

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Bills and receipts of Dr. W.L. Bent for supplies for sick Bear River Mi'kmaq and list of supplies to individual Mi'kmaq bought by Alfred Whitman, with a letter from him to the Lieutenant-Governor thanking him for the donation. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 105

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Letter from W.B. Taylor to Sir Rupert George requesting a grant for Mi'kmaq in Queens County. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 106

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Cape Breton Mi'kmaq relief bills and receipts and medical report. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 107

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Bills and receipts for William Nicholl and A. Whitman for relief for Bear River Mi'kmaq. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 108

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Receipts and bills of the Provincial Secretary for Indian relief with his report on expenditures for 1846. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 109

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Appeal from James Wilkins of Windsor to Sir Rupert George for financial aid to the Mi'kmaq. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 110

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Year end report from Cape Breton with a strong appeal for more assistance from Dodd, Indian Commissioner. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 111

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Vouchers paid by the Assembly for 1846. (1846) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 3 number 112

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Voucher Book for Indian Affairs. (1874) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 1

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Agricultural accounts, Indian Affairs. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 2

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Account of supplies and other domestic articles for relief to Mi'kmaq to the value of £50-0-0. (1848) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 3

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Papers applying for assistance for the Mi'kmaq of Shubenacadie, Lunenburg, Queens County, Kings County, Eastern Districts, Cape breton and Windsor. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 4

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Letters to Sir Rupert George, Provincial Secretary, concerning expenditures and arrangements for Mi'kmaq relief - Annapolis District. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 5

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Concerning a commission appointed for the purpose of a grant to the Mi'kmaq of Pictou. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 6

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Bills and account of John Paul. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 7

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Account of medicines purchased for Pictou Mi'kmaq. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 8

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Expenditures on Pictou Mi'kmaq and account of druggists Johnston and Elliot. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 9

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Account of Mi'kmaq at Bear River with mentions of sick Mi'kmaq in this area. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 10

Commissioner of Indian Affairs — Bills concerning Mi'kmaq relief in the Dartmouth area. (1847) — Nova Scotia Archives Library MG 15 volume 4 number 11

Please note: The Journals of the House of Assembly Mi'kmaq Index is not included in the Guide's Searchable database — view index from Journals of the House of Assembly here


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