Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Report of the Joint Committee on Indian Affairs appointed "in the last session to devise a plan for the settlement of the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia and in the meantime to apply the bounty of the province in relieving their immediate necessities."
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72 1/2
The Joint Committee of his Majesty Council & the House of Assembly appointed in the last session to devise a plan for the settlement of the Indians of this Province and in the mean time to apply the bounty of the Province in relieving their immediate necessities.
I report
That various circumstances amongst the principal of which was that of the small pox having driven the Indians away from their usual places of resort have rendered it imposible for the Joint Committee fully to comply the object of the Legislature in their appointment.
In the execution of the duty assigned them your Committee framed the circular letter annexed intended to procure such information concerning the Indians as might be necessary for forming any regular system for their settlement.
After receiving the approbation of his Excellency the Lieut. Governor copies of this letter were sent to gentlemen in several parts of the Country from whom correct information

Date: 1801

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 72 1/2

Nova Scotia Archives —

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