Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Account for relief supplies to Mi'kmaq. From Oxley to government. Marked paid.
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Province of Nova Scotia
To George Oxley [illegible]
Provision Delivered to Sundry Indians
Feby. 15th To Luxy Tony 10 bushl. of potatoes 2/6 - 1 - 5 - 0
To [illegible] bushel of Peas @ 10/ - - - . 15 - 0
To Joseph Salome 8 bushl. potatoes 1 - 0 - 0
March 6th To two bushels of Peas - - - - 1 - 0 - 0
To Antony Tony 8 bushl. potats. 1 - - -
" 12th To three bushl of Peas - @ 10/ 1 - 1- -
To Andrew Barrow 6 Bushl. potas. - 15 -
20th To 2 bushl Peas @ 10/ - - - 1 - 0 -
Francis [illegible] 10 busl. Potatoes 1 - 5 -
To 3 Bushels of Peas @ 10/ ----- 1 - 10 -
27th To 1 bushel of wheat @ 10/ - - - 10
Andrew Barrow [9th] of powder - - - - 5 -
Apr 10th To 4th of shot - @ /6 p - - - - 2 -
[?Luxey] Tony two hoes @ / 6p - - - 12 -
John Salome 8 bushl. potatoes - - 1 - 0 -
18th To 2 1/2 busl of Peas - @ 10/ - 1 - 5 -
Thos. [Noent] To 4 bushel of potatoes - - - 10 -
To [illegible] bushel Rye meal @ 10/ - - - 8 -
To 2 bushl. of Peas @ 10/ - - 1 - 0 -
£ . 16 ..12 ..

Errors Excepted
George Oxley

River Philip
2d June 1801
Halifax July 8' 1801 Personally appeared Before me Charles Morris
Junr. Esqr. one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Halifax

Mentions names of Mi'kmaq who received supplies. Note at bottom mentions Charles Morris.

Date: 1801

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 67

Nova Scotia Archives —

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