Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from George Oxley including a report of the state of the Mi'kmaq in Cumberland County.
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and that their should be a sober honest man hired for a month in the planting time and one month in the Autumn to instruct them in the different branches of agriculture untill such times as they gain a more compe-tent knowledge than they already possess -- and without they will comply to rules that may be enjoined them the relief intended should be witholden; for they are certainly most idle and careless and will not do any good for themselves in the farming branch untill they are in manner forced to it and made to taste the fruits of industry before they ever will become use-ful members of Society -- If any of the above observations should merrit your attention I humbly submit them to your consideration --

I am with respect,
George Oxley

Hon. ble [Honourable] James Brenton
Charles Morris[sun?] Esq
Michael Wallace Esq

See also RG 1 vol. 430 no. 65.

Date: 1801

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 66

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