Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from George Oxley including a report of the state of the Mi'kmaq in Cumberland County.
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10th Huts may be built of the [dimensions?] mentioned from Seven to nine pounds but it will depend on the [ convenience?] of materials which may cause a considerable variation-11 th The average price for clearing an acre of land fit for the hoe will be two pounds five shillings- 12 th A sufficiency of materials may be obtained for employing the Indian women and I believe persons may be had to instruct them provided they are willing to learn-13 th There will some of them be willing and the settlers will take them for proper allowance ; some of the young men have been hired this winter in this settlement and worked tolerable well- 14 th I have spoken to some of them on the subject who seem willing and even eager to join in that [pursuit?] and I believe will be very industrious in that branch with proper encouragement- There is an almost continual intercourse between those and Cape Breton Prince Edward Island back and forward and consequently a Connexion; [but?] I believe there is not any rule strictly to [ designate?] those that belong to this Province; but Generally there is-

I would beg leave to offer a few observations with respect to settling those itinerant people. It would in my opinion be necessary to consult the Heads of their respective familys with regard to their locations for if placed on lands without they like the situation they will hardly be induced to settle at any rate And in order to settle them so as to [abide?] they should have such supplies as Government may give dealt to them only upon their actually settling after a sufficiency given them for that purpose-The lands that may be given them they should be prohibited from selling for a time sufficient to judge of the [ practibility?] of the intention of Government- it would be advisable to set them a reasonable portion of work to do according to the different season of the year and according to their strength and abilities

See also RG 1 vol. 430 no. 65.

Date: 1801

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 66

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