Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from George Oxley including a report of the state of the Mi'kmaq in Cumberland County.
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River Philip 16th April 1801
After having used the utmost diligence of inquirey and from my own knowledge I shall endeavour to Answer the different Queries offered for my Answers-The numbers Great and small who usually reside in this County most of which are here at present is Eighty five - For the statement of the Heads of family the Children above twelve years and them under, I shall refer you to the Inclosed- I know not any of the Heads of the family's within mentioned who are addicted to Drunkeness in any remarkable degree nor any but will be drunk when opportunity offers- As far as I know and am informed not any thing of Dishonesty can be laid to their charge- 2 There are not any at present in this County that can learn that hath any special sway or influence over them-3rd There have in both respects as noted in the Inclosed above [refered?] to-4th There is one person of Irish and French Parents who I am informed can speak their Language is but a private man and hath no particular influence amongst them-5th They generally resort to Minudie to the French Priest who is at Present a W. Poor alias Power sometimes to Prince Edward Island, once a year is as often as they go for Confession and Absolution- 6th There is Fox Harbour Paid out for the Royal Fencibles under the Command of Colonel [Gorham?] but never settled good land a good harbour well timbered [erased] [maples? ] for staves etc Pugwash an elligible situation good land and timber good fishing of herring Eels etc. a good harbour and ungranted except some part of it formerly to Indians who have never settled it-Shinnimacacias Excellent land but only a small River and not a good harbour well timbered with pines ash etc
The whole of the above lands on the Gulph of St. Lawrence between Ramsheg and Bay de Vert Extensive hunting grounds on their rear and about twenty miles from the Great Cumberland road-7th The enumerated Articles for staves hoops etc may be had either on the lands or vicinity and a ready market may be had for those articles if manufactured -8th The whole of the above coast and harbours abound in fish such as herring [ Gasperoe?] Salmon and Eels which are very easy taken- 9 th Potatoes may be had delivered at any of the above lands from [ ?.] per bushel in the fall of the year-

See also RG 1 vol. 430 no. 65.

Date: 1801

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 66

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