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In Truro
7th _.Henry Muhon was Published in Truro and maried by Mr. Waddle is a good Worker at Choping and Clearing Land
8 & 9th. Peter Paul and John Paul Came lately from Quebeck is Both maried and has some Young Children is soon going to Pictue these three are said to be under a good Carracter and Industrous.
On Subenaccadie River
10th. __ Luc Paul (son of old Capt. Paul of Suiack) is about 38 Years of age has a Wife and family three of his sons is above 12 Years of age is a good Cooper and is sober and Industrous one of his sons lives with Mr. Paul Woodworth at present, and Works at farming business, this is the only family of Indians at present on Subenaccadie and is up near the Nine Mile River. The Inhabitants of Suiack Settlement by a [subscription?] pays the Indians a Bounty of 10 Shillings for Each Bear they Kill in that settlement.
There is some person in this District that can talk the Indian Language but there is little Occasion to use it because the Indians can generally understand and talk English well enough for any trade or dealings the Inhabitants has with them.
In Subenaccadie River the Indians fish Eels in wears in the fall for subsistance and trap [gasperoes?] and small salmon goes up at the [season?] for spawning.
Potatoes is generally purchased by [illegible] at trading them for one shilling of 1/3 per bushel.
The average price for Clearing an acre of Land for the [hay?] is £ 4..00..00
Many Mi'kmaq names mentioned. Describes specific families, their industries and characters. Mentions the Mi'kmaq here can generally speak English and support themselves and their families, but are little disposed to farming.
Date: 1801
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 55
Nova Scotia Archives —
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