note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
West eighty three Chains crossing Port Medway River to the South Western Angle of land Granted Lydia Collins_ thence North thirty degrees East along the Rear line of said Collin's land to the end thereof thirty chains_ thence North Sixty eight degrees thirty minutes West along the Northern side line of said land fifty five chains to the Rear line of [Josiah?] Smiths and said Daleys land thence North thirty degrees East sixty chains along said Rear line to the place of beginning containing One thousand Acres according to the Plan-
Annapolis County 1,000 acres.
Described as follows vizt. Beginning on the Western side the South branch of Bear River at the distance of twenty eight chains on a Course South Sixty six degrees East from the South Eastern Angle of Land Granted Christopher Benson_ thence to run South twenty four degrees East on Vacant land One hundred Chains thence North sixty six degrees West One hundred chains_ thence North twenty four degrees West One hundred chains to the Rear Line of said Bensons land_ thence South sixty six degrees East along said Rear line and Vacant land One hundred chains to the place of beginning. Containing one thousand Acres according to the Plan_
Kings County 1,000 acres_
Abutted and bounded as follows Vizt. Beginning on the Southern Angle of land Granted the Right Revd. the Bishop of Nova Scotia for the support of a Dean and Chapter in the Rear of the Township of Horton_ thence to run North sixty degrees East along the Southern boundary line of said land One hundred and twelve chains_ thence South thirty degrees East on Vacant land eighty nine Chains
[thirty links - written above so insert here]_ thence South sixty degrees West one hundred and twelve chains_ thence North thirty degrees West eighty nine chains [thirty links - written above so insert here] to the place of beginning containing One thousand Acres _ And in the whole of all the lands hereby described for the Indians eight thousand eight hundred and sixty acres including the five hundred Acres heretofore granted at St. [Margarets] [illegible - right lower corner torn]
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 54
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.