note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
County of Halifax Saint Margarets Bay 800 acres
The first Tract marked A containing five hundred Acres already Granted
The second Tract marked B at the head of Sutherlands alias Ingrams River containing three hundred Acres_ And is described as follows Beginning on the Eastern side of said River on the North Western Angle of Ingrams Grant so called_Thence to run North eighty degrees East along the Rear line of said land fifty two chains fifty links_ thence North ten degrees West on ungranted land forty chains_ thence South eighty degrees West Seventy five chains thence South ten degrees East thirty eight chains to the upper line of land formerly granted Robert [McKoon?]_ thence North eighty four degrees East along said line twenty five chains
[to the River -written above so insert here] thence crossing the same to the place of beginning_
Lunenburg County 960 Acres
Beginning on the Rear line of Farm lots fronting on Gold River , and on the South Eastern Angle of land Granted [Apthorp?] and Co._ From thence to run North seventy three degrees West along the South boundary line of said land One hundred and twenty Chains_ thence South on ungranted land eighty chains _ thence South Seventy three degrees East One hundred and twenty chains to the Rear line above mentioned_ thence North along the same eighty chains to the place of beginning Containing Nine hundred and sixty Acres according to the Plan_
Queens County 1,000 Acres
Abutted and bounded as follows vizt. Beginning on the Southern side line of Lot Number eighty four on the Road leading from Liverpool to [Nictaux?] and on the North Eastern Angle of James Daly's land_ thence South sixty eight degrees thirty minutes East along said line and Vacant Land One hundred and thirty eight chains_ thence South thirty degrees West ninety chains _ thence North sixty eight degrees thirty minutes West
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 54
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.