Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Description of land reserved for the Indians in different counties throughout the province including Sydney County, Cumberland County, Hants County, Halifax County, Queens County, Lunenburg County, Annapolis County, and Kings County.
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Description of land Reserved for the Indians in the different Counties throughout the Province

Sydney County. 1000 acres at Pomket] in Two separate Tracts marked A,B. B on the Annexed plan The Tract A is abutted and bounded as follows Vizt. Beginning on the South Eastern side line of land Granted Charles [Bousar or Beusar ?], and at the South Eastern Angle of land Granted Colin Campbell Esqr. Thence to run South forty five degrees East along said side line fifty chains_ thence North forty five degrees East on ungranted land One hundred and twenty two chains_ thence North forty five degrees West eighty four chains_ thence South forty five degrees West seventy seven chains _to the lower line of said Campbells land thence South forty five degrees East along said line thirty four chains_ thence South forty five degrees West along the Rear line of said land forty five chains to the place of beginning. Containing in this Tract eight hundred and eighty Acres_ The Tract marked B. B is abutted and bounded as follows Vizt. Beginning on the upper bound of lands Granted the French Acadians on the Southern side the River at the head of the South branch of said Pomket Thence to run South forty five degrees East along the upper line of the said Acadian land thirty six chains to the North Western Angle of land granted John Wentworth Solomon_thence South fifty eight degrees West along the lower line of said land forty three chains to the River_ thence following the course of the same to the forks _ thence Crossing to the West branch and following the same up stream six chains fifty links to the lower bound of land Granted William Bannerman_ thence North along the front of said Bannermans and Mary Irish's land fifty chains or until it meets the Upper line of land Granted the said Acadians on the Northern side of said River _ _ thence South fifty degrees East [West - crossed out] ten chains to the Margin of the same_thence crossing the River and following the course down Stream to the beginning [ Boundary?] containing

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 54

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