note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Joseph Rheshaws acco[un]t of Supplies to the Indians at
Torbay during the last winter. They being in a
starving condition, & driven by the small pox to
Torbay from O[ld] Manchester. vizt -
Dec. 2 1800 &
Jany. 2 1801. Two half Barrells flour £ 3 --
Ten Bushells potatoes - 2. 0. 0
5 quintals Cod fish 20/- 5 ---
1 lb powder & 4 lb shot -- .60
£ 10.6.0
Personally appeared Joseph Rheshaw & made Oath on the
holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the above is a
just & true acco[un]t. & that the several articles above ment [mentioned]
were actually furnished & supplied by him, being
compelled thereto by threats, which if put in execution
he had it not in his power to oppose without danger
to his life & that of his family -- Before me
at Halifax the 2nd day of June 1801 --
J. W. Schwartz [J. P. ?]
Heads of Indian Families - vizt
Francis Paul
Jean Baptiste Bouta
Paul Bouta
Louis Parpish --
Making together with their wives & Children 23
persons --
Joseph Rheshaw his X mark
Witness, ~ to Attestation ~
and Verity of the Fact }
Rich. Cunningham
Date: 1801
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 50
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.