note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
14th. Could it po??ible to induce any of the Indians to go in fi?hing boats or
ve??els, either by purcha?ing ?hares in boats for them, ?upporting their Families during
their ab?ence, cloathing their young men, or any other means?
The forgoing queries appear e??ential to our object, and we reque?t as particular
an?wers as from your own knowledge, or the information of others, you may be enabled
to return. At the ?ame time we wi?t you to recur to the Report of the Committee in
page of the Journals of the Lower Hou?e of A??embly for the la?t ?e??ion, as
explanatory of the views of the Legi?lature on this ?ubject; and will be thankful to
you for any other information or ob?ervations which may tend to enable us to promote
its benevolent intentions.
We Remain with Re?pect,
[J Bientoy]
Charles Morris Junr_
Mich. Wallace
[illegible] [Longy?]
P.S. As an exact Return of the Number of the Indian belonging to the Province is
e??ential to any accurate calculation of the experience of the ?ettling them, it would be very
de?irable that each Gentlemen to whom this Letter, is addre??ed, (a li?t of whom is ?ubjoined),
would fend to the one next him, on each hand, a Copy of his Return of the
Number of the Indians, and to tran?mit to us the Copies he may receive, with Ob?ervations
that occur, tending to produce the correctne?s wi?hed for.
Date: 1801
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 48 1/2
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.