Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Report of Joint Committee for Indians with the circular letter to comprising members regarding a list of queries about the Mi'kmaq
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HALIFAX, 23d January, 1801
In performance of the duty a??igned to us by the two Hou?es of the General A??embly;
of which we form a joint Committee, and with the approbation of His Excellency
the Lieutenant Governor., we take leave to ?ubmit to your con?ideration the following
Queries, intended to procure information nece??ary for us to form ?ome plan for the ?et-
tlement of the Indians, to be laid before the Legi?lature at its next meeting.

1st. What is the number of Indians who u?ually re?ort to the
Be plea?ed to ?late the name of the head of the Family ; al?o, (for further di?tinction),
that borne by his Father, the number of Males and of Females above 12 years, and the
Children ; with a ?hort ob?ervation as to the character of the head of the family, whether
?orber or drunken, hone?t or notoriou?ly otherwi?e.

2d. Who are the Indians, (if any) who appear to have the mo?t a?cendancy or influ-
ence over the re?t ?

3d. Are there any who made attempts, or ?hewn di?poitions to fettle, or who have
taken up Trades ? be plea?ed to di?tingui?h the?e by name.

4th. Are there any white per?ons in the who under-
?tand the Indian language, or have a particular influence among?t the Indians ?

5th. To what Prie?t do the Indians of re?ort
for confe??ion and ab?olution ; and can you ?tate how often they leave their u?ual places
of abode in general for this purpo?e ?

6th. What Lands are there in the ?uitable for
the ?ettlement of the Indians who u?ally re?ort to that whether the
same are ungranted, liable to e?cheat for want of improvement, or attainable by purcha?e ?
Should there be different ?ituations under any of the?e circum?tances, be plea?ed to point
them out, and to de?cribe the quality of tho?e Lands, their di?tance from water-carriage;
roads, and hunting grounds, their Timber and other productions.

7th. Whether the?e Lands, or their neighbourhood, afford materials for Staves, Hoops,
Shingles, Clapboard, Oar Rafters, Hand?pikes and Laths, and what market would
there be for tho?e articles in cafe the Indians could be induced to manufacture them?

8th. What Fi?heries, whether for exportation, or merely for ?ub?i?tence of ?ettlers,
(as Eels in winter) are there in the neighbourhood?

9th. At what price can Potatoes be purcha?ed at the ?ea?on for gathering them delivered
at ?uch Lands?

10th. At what expence be Huts be con?tructed, ?ay 20 by 16 feet, of logs, roofed
with Bark or other cheap materials, with ?tone and mud Chimneys, ?uppo?ing the Indians

11th. What is the average price for clearing an Acre of Land fit for the Hoe?

12th. Can Wool, Flax, and Wheels be procured for employing the Indian Women,
?uppo?ing them excited to indu?try ; and can per?ons be had to in?truct them in Spinning
and Knitting ?

13th. Could any of the Indians, while receiving a??i?tance from Government be induced
to place ?ome of their Children in the Families of the neighbouring ?ettlers, to learn
our dome?tic arts ; and would the ?ettlers, for ?mall Premiums receive and in?truct

Date: 1801

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 48 1/2

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