note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
me a line, giving me such information as you may think necessary for me to have as to the condition and advancement of the Indian Settlement at Bear River.
Yours truly
Joseph Howe
William Nicoll Esq.
From W. Nicholl.
Hillsburgh, 12th Nov. 1842
Charles Glode has been to me saying you wished me to take a pair of his oxen for the Indians here, but when I asked the price found he wanted [pound sterling] 18 for a pair of four years old; which being much too high as cattle are now selling, and as it was four pounds more than you directed me to give, I declined taking them; but as he wished me to wait till he could hear from you, I thought it best to do so, and to let you know that I have enquired the prices, have heard of a pair five years old that may be got for [pound sterling] 13, and know that two of my neighbours have lately bought good cattle for [pound sterling] 12 a yoke. The Indians here are very thankful for what you have done for them, and seem resolved to improve their lands; there are but four
Date: 1842
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 432 pp. 109-110
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.